Saturday, January 18, 2014


Our God gave each of us limitations. Try as we may, there are many things we just can’t do! But, that same God gave us things we can do better than most. We must learn to work harder with our gifts, and stop comparing ourselves to someone that can do things we can’t. Most of the excitement in our lives falls into our own can-do range. And there are people who can do things we can’t; often those people cause us to have a lesser opinion of ourselves. Many of those things that we can’t do and they can should be changed into things we enjoy watching others do. They can be looked upon as entertainment. Things we can just sit back watch and enjoy. We must learn to reap the outcome without having to think we are a lesser person because someone else can do things or think things we can’t? Years ago, I learned that there were many limits on what I was capable of doing! And, as I started setting goals for myself, I tried to set them within my limits. When and if I reach that goal, I would reset my goal a little higher next time, and try a little harder, but, each time I reached my first goal, it always made me feel good! I often wonder if some set their goals so high they never reach them. Could that be the reason that some never appear happy? Our lives and our abilities are continually being set for us by unseen and seen others, our laws, our religions, our parents, and the society around us. Many around us will tell us what we should not do, because in someone else’s eyes that is wrong, but seldom are we told what is right! Our entire world sets limitations on us, and then judges each of us by their standards others have set!. Sadly I have learned that most of the limitations set on me by others were one size fits all! I believe that our God created each of us differently. I believe that only He set each of our true standards. I don’t know about you, but for me, that one size fits all just does not fit me! Often, I like to spread my wings and fly! I don’t want limitations set by others to cause me to feel like a bird in a cage! Some of the limitations placed on us, can cause serious implications for us, if we stray too far. I prefer to go by the limitations I put on myself as my standard. I started setting those standards for me the first time my grandma said “Bob we both know you can be better than that!” But, she left the how much better up to me! I have worn out many pairs of shoes by overstepping lines others have tried to draw for me. But, it’s still my grandma’s words that limit how far I allow myself to overstep. I do not believe that it is possible for anyone else to read the true feeling that is in someone else’s heart. And, I do not believe that someone else’s “thou shall not”, will fit in that other person’s heart. I believe everyone should have standards, but I believe those standards should be that person’s standards. For, only each of us can truly know what is deeply planted in our very own beating heart! I feel very uneasy, when someone else tries to interpret what is in my heart! The interpretations of others has broken many, otherwise good person’s hearts! Long ago I learned that it is far more important to listen and to speak! I have met several dozen people that have told me that a quick thoughtless word from their former pastor caused them to pull away from religion entirely! Thoughtless words can come easy, but often the consequences of those words last a lifetime! I find it difficult to find forgiveness for those, in a leadership position, that have not learned to think out each word before leaves their lips! I feel that each of us needs to learn our limitations and then learn to stay within those limitations!