Monday, August 1, 2011

Things Change

Many times you’ve heard me say that we must keep learning. It’s up to us, you and me! We are the only ones that can pave our way into our tomorrows. And, we have to learn to face the fact that our tomorrow is where it all is. Our world is changing and we must change with it! There was a line from an old song that went like this; Stop the world, I want to get off! It will not happen, if we stop our learning, the world continues to move. It will just pass us up!
I came from a generation that had to wind a Big Ben alarm clock each night just to keep it running so it would wake me in the morning in time for school. I had a Grandma that would have been shocked if I wouldn’t have held a door open for a lady. I’m sure she would have died if a man would have sat down at her dinner table with his cap on! Being “proper” was a part of her life. Her “standards” were far higher than those we find today. Yes, things change!
Our key word is CHANGE! I’ve also noticed that I find another word used many times in the same sentence with our key word. That word is progress. We use that word as something good, bad, or even as profanity in describing today’s world.
Words, for me, seemed to be just something that popped out of my mouth whenever I was communicating with others. They flowed out so easily! Then, I was told to write this blog! That word CHANGE smacked me right between the eyes! Before, all I had to do was shut my mouth and the words stopped. There was little thought, it was just an open or shut thing!
Now, in my blog, every word is in black and white! Those spoken words that were so soon forgotten had now changed to written words. Those small easily forgotten statements suddenly became headlines and they seemed to me to be all in CAPS! Suddenly those unnoticed words I used in my conversations almost became stumbling blocks in black and white! I had to rethink every word that was there in black and white! There’s that word again! Change, unlike my spoken word, I now was able to (edit) my words before they fell on other ears! I also discovered many new key words that I had used sparingly in conversations. Words like; responsibility, respect, faith, hurt, goals, standards, learning, and maybe the most important others.
It breaks my heart to have to look at today’s “throw-away people!” I’ve seen too many unwanted babies turn into unwanted adults ending up in our prisons! I feel the very worst is intelligent kids that their only goal in life is throwing themselves away! Here in Florida, we find that for every hundred persons, one is in prison! I just can’t accept that! Higher standards MUST be set! I’m sure no one wants to be that one in a hundred!
I think my key word, in this changing world, has always been learning. Sometimes I called it “figuring things out” but it was always learning. Those that know me know that I always have several things cooking in this head of mine at the same time.
I’ve heard many excuses for not wanting change. The one I hear most often is; I like things just the way they are or the way they used to be. There is no, just the way they are! It’s gone! It’s history never to return again! You can’t go back home, remember it’s changed!
Oh yes, you ask about my alarm clock. Now it’s called an Atomic clock. It’s accurate to the second. I don’t ever have to wind it. The only thing that can make it stop is if the battery power runs out. Tomorrow it will wake me for breakfast, if I can figure out which button to push! Yes, isn’t change great?

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