Friday, January 14, 2011

Prayer and Miracles

While having my first cappuccino this morning I saw something on TV that got my juices flowing. It was; “Sometimes prayer brings miracles, sometimes it brings heavy equipment”. Sometimes a quick one-liner like that draws back and smacks me between the eyes!
In 2007 I was told I was being given the Gift of Healing. With this gift there has been many times that I have been able to see hurts in others. Sometimes before they even know the hurts are there. Those times I pray to My Friend and ask that His Will, will be done.
Sometimes I’ve been told to suggest that the person contact a doctor to have the problem medically attended to. Other times I have known their problem was terminal.
This has bothered me. I had been told that I had been given the gift of healing and then later told to send them to another source. I questioned my faith! Wasn’t it strong enough for everything? Then, I realized, hadn’t I ended each prayer with “Your Will, will be done” and then I was questioning His Will!
I had an irritation on my right ear that had not healed in over a year. I had worked on that place for quite a while but it was still there! Hadn’t I been given the gift of healing? I had seen my gift work on others. Why wasn’t it working on me?
Then one day I was told to go to a certain doctor. He was a cancer doctor! A week later he removed an inch and a half growth from my right ear! My healing was provided by a doctor trained for just that! Both my prayers and my questions had been answered. “Sometimes our prayers are answered by miracles, sometimes they’re answered with heavy equipment”. (My doctor)
Sometimes when we expect that miracle God gives us Divine Guidance. Remember it is HIS WILL!
Many times we look upon our prayers as we do our life insurance. We say them but hope they never have to be used. My daily prayer always includes the following: Please watch over my friends and my family. Last week that prayer was used and answered!
My son Robin was driving to his home. He was stopped at a red light just before turning into his street. When the light turned green he started his turn. He was driving his ‘Vette. That low ‘Vette was hit on the passenger side door by a large van that had failed to stop! At the speed that van was coming it could have completely run over the ‘Vette! But, it did not! My son was well shaken but not seriously injured. Thank you God!!! Yes my prayers had been answered! As many of you know I had already received one of those dreaded phone calls and I certainly never want to receive another.
Miracles or heavy equipment, I’ll take it either way. Knowing it is His Will now is enough for me! I’m not going to question it.

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