Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our Blip In Time

Each of us is impressed with our own importance but we must realize that in today’s world there are almost three billion others. That’s billion with a B! You and I are just a grain of sand on God’s beach!
It is my belief that my God has written my Book of Life and that He wrote it from before my birth to the last period of my life’s last breath. In fact my Friend told me; I came from eternity to my birth, from my life until my death, then back to eternity. He explained to me that my life was a perfect circle with no beginning or ending.
Each of our earth lives is just a short blip in God’s time. We must remember that no matter how important we feel that we are each one of the other billions is also a child of God. And, each one of them is as important to Him as you and me.
It’s a blessing that each of us cannot check out our Book of Life from God’s library. For if we could; I’m sure many of us would spend most of the rest of our lives trying to edit and revise our book. I know why only God can write our books because if we had written them we would have included many ifs, would haves, should haves, buts or but ifs. I’m sure our God knows us much better than we ever know ourselves!
God’s time runs from forever to forever! How can we ever expect our little space in time to impress one who already knows all? We have to face the fact that we are not the biggest fish in the pond when in our hearts we know that we are only another minnow in the school!
We must learn to be happy with those few seconds God has given us. We must treat each of those seconds as if it were our last (for it could be). We must learn to take the biggest bite of life for each day that we can. We must learn to write our “headline of the day” with only positives and learn to file all the day’s negatives in a file called history (learning experiences).
Each and every day of our lives is ours to make or break. Each morning it is our wakening decision; are WE going to start that day on the right foot or the wrong one.
Our earth time is limited! Don’t waste it. We can’t put the sand back in the top of the hour glass because it is already sealed. Make each of your grains of sand mean something. It’s your life, LIVE IT!
Never judge your life by comparing it to others, if God would have wanted us all the same He could have made a rubber stamp and stamped out the day’s quota! Don’t bother with; why wasn’t I or why were they. Each of our lives has been formed by us-you and me-but as God had already written in our book. If we want to admit it or not we’re standing where we put ourselves today. If we don’t like where we find ourselves, there is no better time to start changing ourselves than RIGHT NOW.
We’re just a passenger in the vehicle called life. Do you always want to be a passenger or sometimes (like me) you would like to drive?

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