Wednesday, February 23, 2011


In writing this blog I have learned many things. Just today I realized that for most of my blogs, My Friend opens my heart to many “one liners” (just a few words) to show me what I am to write.
These one liners, maybe I should call them headlines, come from many different places. I’ll list a few; they could be part of a TV commercial, a single line from the Sunday talk at church, a line from a song, a long lost thought in my head that suddenly reappears. I never know when a single line will touch my heart but I always try to keep a pen and paper handy because I always know that from out of the blue, it will come.
I may go several days without that special thought. Then, comes a day that several new thoughts come my way on that same day. That happened to me today, all before nine AM. The first, and the basis for this blog was “Take the scary out of life”.
Each day we learn new things. We don’t always realize that we are learning but we are. What we learn may be good, bad, or indifferent. What we learn is something new and with new there is always a fear of the unknown or untried. A step in the direction of the unknown can always be a bit scary.
Things can be a bit scary but that doesn’t make us cowardly. All new ideas come with just two promises, they either work or they don’t. Our attitude has much to do with our learning process: ifyou’re afraid your idea won’t work, you’re probably right! Look upon learning as a positive. Remember, if you can dream it, you can find a way to do it! Life is nothing more than if that plan doesn’t work, try another way. Don’t be the one hiding in the corner afraid of trying something new. Keep your outlook positive!
Life has many exciting new things for each of us but we must come out of the closet to find them. We must first open our eyes to see them!
Every new invention is built on trial and error; if it didn’t work the first time, we must learn why and try again. Of course, we are all afraid of something but we have to keep on keeping on.
For me, life would be far less exciting if all the scary were to be removed. My Father in Heaven has taught me how to take a lot of the scary out of my life. At my age I find that I have lost a lot of the goodies in my life (most is my own fault because of the way I took care of my body) but I try not to think much about all those “can’t dos” because it is just a waste of time. I try to concentrate on the many “can dos” and build my life around them!
Each morning, as I wake, I’m always sure that I will have new hurts and pains that weren’t there yesterday, but I want you to think about this; I woke up! I took my first breath of that new day! Just think: I already had two blessings and my feet hadn’t touched the floor yet! Those new hurts and pains (and the old ones too)? I hand them all to My Father in Heaven for I know He is better equipped to handle them than me. It seems He always is able to show me how to overcome them.
Next, I walk into that day with positive thoughts because I know the rest of that day is up to ME. Sure, some days I’m scared, but I’m going to live every minute of that day the best I can!

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