Monday, July 4, 2011

God's Friend

Many of us feel that God is our friend. I wonder how many of us feel that we are God’s Friend? Many feel that God is there for us to call on when we are really in a bind. But, do we want Him looking over our shoulder ALL the time? Do we feel that we have some kind of a switch or some magic words we can say that will turn Him on as we need Him? And, then we would like to have an off switch to turn Him off when that need is over? Or, maybe we would like a stand-by switch to keep Him handy but out of our hair? That way we could do as we please but keep Him handy when our next need comes up!
How long would any other friendship last if the only time we talked to that friend was when we were troubled and then avoided him the rest of the time? As soon as our needs were fulfilled we were gone! Being a friend is a two way street! Each has to hold up his end of the deal. How long has it been since you ask YOUR Father in Heaven if YOU could help?
Do you talk differently when you are in your house of worship? I’m reminded of a day up at the prison; as I walked in I overheard one of the prisoners tell the others “we don’t use street talk when Bob is in the room!” I knew it was a show of respect for me before we walked into the chapel. But, for years I had been telling them that their God was always by their side! Yet, they thought nothing of using that street talk in His presence!
Do we have two different languages? The one we use in our place of worship (the one where we think God will be watching and listening), and the other on the outside where we feel like just another grain of sand on our beach of life. Do we feel we make no difference? Do we feel less important in God’s eyes, or maybe to ourselves, after we leave that holy place than we did inside? Don’t we feel the same God by our side outside? I don’t feel we should box-up the thing we call respect and then only open the box when we think He might be watching! I’m sure we’re better than that!
I’m sure I’m one of God’s friends! How can I be so sure? Many times I’ve seen impossible things happen, some of those many times I’ve had others say to me “you must know someone special!” I sure do!!!
I’m sure we’re ALL someone special because of all of the blessings He puts before us each day. Along with those many blessings we have been given the ability to recognize and enjoy them. At first glance some of those blessings may look a little scary. This blog is a good example of that! It started on faith! Actually it started with much fear! The unknown is always a little scary! But, since I got it going it has turned into one of the most satisfying happenings in my life! When I was told to put my pen to my paper and start writing, I knew that pen was full of words just waiting to come out! I knew My Friend would show me the way!
It is so good to me to have a friendship like that. And yes, we all have a friend like that! Yes, we all do! Some just don’t want to or maybe they’re a little afraid. He is always willing but, sometimes when that knock comes on our door it is up to you to open your door and walk through! If all you ever want is a stop and go friend, that’s probably all you’ll ever get. It’s all up to you!

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