Thursday, June 30, 2011

History Starts Now

With each new breath we are making OUR history. That history is not our future, it is our past! Our planning is our future. We have to learn that our past IS past. It’s gone! We can’t relive that past, it’s over! It’s gone!
Years ago I often heard folks say; I wish I had eyes in the back of my head. They wanted to be able to look back on their past and be able to sidestep those mistakes so they could avoid them in their future. That’s what our learning is all about! We are supposed to learn from our past mistakes so we don’t let them happen again!
God knew what he was doing when He put our eyes in the front part of our heads. He put them there so we could only look forward! Next He gave us our brains (our hard drives) to store the things we learned. When He created man, He gave him a brain large enough to hold all the things we were learning in our fast moving world. And, He built in extra space to hold many new things that will come to us in the future.
Most of today’s Holy books were written way in the past to point us toward the future. In my opinion, any religion that deals only in the past is a dead religion. It is impossible to move forward by walking in the shadows of the past, walking in place, or walking backward.
Our future is in our learning! If at the end of our day, our only entry in our diary of life is; today I learned nothing! You had just as well been dead! You have wasted that precious day that your God has granted you! I hope that you don’t point to that day and brag that you wasted another day. Another “same old, same old!” Progress is not built on wasted days!
So often I hear someone say; when he and I, or when she and I were together, my life was so different. But they’re gone now! Their history is gone but your history is still ticking away! Didn’t you have much of your own life while you were with them? Then why can’t you have a life after their gone?
Each person’s Book of Life is that person’s book. Others may walk through some of the pages but it’s our book, is our history. Others have their own book! And, we don’t want our last chapter to sound as though it was written by a walking dead!
Our God gives us many blessings every day but those blessings are hard to see through tears or while walking around with closed eyes feeling sorry for ourselves.
Many say they would like to go back to those “good old days.” They can’t! Those days ARE GONE! Those days are just a part of our history, part history and part fantasy. You can’t go home, it isn’t there anymore! The only way you can look backward is by looking in a mirror! And, as you look, there you are, right in the middle of what you see! There you are! Just what you made you to be!
With each breath, each hour, each day, we add to another page in our Book of Life. As we thumb through our book, we may find things we don’t like. What better time to make some changes than this instant before it to becomes our history?

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