Sunday, August 19, 2012

Holy Places

Do we feel that we are closer to our God when we walk into our place of worship? If so, why do we? If we believe that God is always at our side, tell me why, we should feel that He is more receptive to our prayers or listens more carefully to those prayers in some places than in others?
I believe our entire world is one big holy place. I believe that God is our creator, the starter of all things. I do not believe God’s teachings and ideas stopped when the last period was placed on the last pages of all our holy books. I do believe that God continues His teaching and that He expects us to continue to learn throughout our lives. Why else would God give us all of the NEW learning tools we have today? We have been given more tools and the ability to learn from them than the creators of our father’s religions could have ever dreamed of.
Any person of today, with the help of just one sixty-four gig jump drive that can be can held between two fingers, can hold more knowledge than could be found in the head of the smartest person of old! But, we must also realize, that all knowledge is worthless to anyone that refuses to use it. The finest library in the world is useless to the person who can’t read. All the information in the world is useless to the person that CAN read, but can’t comprehend the meaning of those words.
Those religions that require their members to learn and recite pages of text without teaching those members understanding is like trying to teach someone to read in a dark room! Anything is nothing unless it is understood. All of the scriptures of old are worthless without learning and understanding their meanings in today’s world.
I have received hundreds of pages of answers from my God to questions I have asked. Probably people of old would have called them scriptures, but to me they are just my God’s answers to my questions. All of these answers have been easily understood by me and needed no interpretation to know their meaning. All of the essays that you read in these blogs are Bob’s words, not God’s words, but I know who is always guiding my hand. I’m sure God wants me to use many of the answers I have received from Him in these essays because my eyes are continually being opened to new ideas and ways to express them.
One last thought; how many of your blessings have you received in your place of worship, your holy place? Haven’t most of your blessings been one on one, away from any third party? Mine have, I’ve never found that I had to be in a “holy place” or that I needed a “holy person” to intervene for me to receive my blessings.

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