Thursday, July 19, 2012

All About Me

Last Sunday I had a birthday party. It was my eighty-seventh. It was one of the best days of my life. It was a great wake-up call for me. It made me realize what I should do with what my God gave me to do with!
Please don’t cut me off until you read all of this. I want you to know that I know that I talk to my God and my God talks to me. It is up to you if you want to believe this or not. That is unimportant to me because I believe that I can and do.
For all of my life I and others have tried to set unreachable goals for me. Many were just unreachable for me with what God gave me to work with. Many of those goals left me unsure where I was headed and maybe a little unsure where I had been. Sometimes I felt as though I was trying to be a substitute for me. Looking back today, I find that sometimes I was only setting my failure as my goal.
There were many things in my life that I found hard for me to understand. My God told me He was giving me the gift of hearing. But, most of the time I need a hearing aid! I now realize that I hear many unspoken things from others. While sitting in a room with hundreds, as a solo is being played, I find that player and me alone in that room! My gift is the ability to hear with my heart.
My God told me He was giving me the gift of seeing. But, I have glaucoma in both eyes and I’m dependent on three types of expensive medication twice each day! Then, I realized that many times I can see the hurts and pains of others although never being told. Then, I thought about the many times that I see blessings and beauty put there for me to see, while others walk on past and never see those things. My gift is the ability to see with my heart.
My God gave me the gift of healing. Yet, each morning I wake with pain! Many times, just by putting my hand on someone’s shoulder, I recognize a problem, yet unknown to them, and I ask God’s Will to correct or heal that problem. My gift is the ability to recognize the problem and hand it to God for His will.
I’ve tried many different things in my life. Some that worked and some that did not. All things were looked upon as the will or forgiveness of God. In my many years I have learned that God’s things work on God’s time. My God waited until I had lost much of my body’s ability to do things before He told me to start this blog. And remember, when I ask Him what I should write, all I was told was “Put the pen to the paper and write!”
Many “religious” people will tell you that they know what God wants them to do. Then think about this; my God gave me the means and the start and then allows me to do this thing my way.

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