Monday, November 19, 2012


For many, birthdays are something to be dreaded. But, for all, it means that each of us has used up twelve months of our life that God has granted us. Some have used that irreplaceable time wisely, while others find they have wasted most of it. I’m sure most of us can find a few “I wish I hads” or a few “I should haves” and maybe one or two “I’ll know better the next times”. I like that last one the best because that means possibly we have learned something. Yes, we were granted the use of that year, but it also means that we find ourselves twelve months closer to our ending! Tell me this; did my body have this many hurts my last birthday? I guess it’s all a part of our God given right called “ageing!” That year is now gone, it’s now past history, it’s all used up. It died when we stepped into our new year! How much of it did we waste? How much did we use wisely? Wouldn’t it be interesting to sit down and write an obituary for those past twelve months of our life? That way we could see the things we feel needed improvement, and isn’t that an excellent place to start? With the start of a new calendar the world starts its new year, but everyone’s birthday comes before the worlds new years. But, all mortals have their birthdays before the world celebrates its new years. I don’t think it’s fair to make us all wait for the world to catch up. Many try not to admit it, but what we gained or lost in our past year was entirely our fault. Most of us hate to admit our mistakes and try hard to lay the blame on others if our life hasn’t worked out, aren’t those birthdays a good place to take more responsibility for ourselves? We never are sure just how much more time our God has granted us, but one thing is for sure; that time granted is our time. It is important time, but also time to use as we see fit! But, we must realize that however we use each second, it can never be reused after we use it once. Happy birthday and may this next year be the best year of your life. My last birthday was one of the best days of my life and I hope yours will be too.

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