Tuesday, November 20, 2012

God's Right Side

This morning, while watching the Morning News, I listened to a Christian minister who proclaimed that he was on “God’s right side!” But what he was really saying was; either you agreed with his interpretation of that religion or you were wrong! He repeatedly referred to himself as “a man of God”, I thought of him as more of a bigot. In the country that I live in, the country I love, my United States I have learned that at this time only four people out of five now claims membership in an organized religion. That means that twenty out of each one hundred people holds no organized religious faith! I believe that most believe in God, but they just don’t walk through organized religion’s doors. Could it be that ministers and religious leaders like him are making many think twice before claiming membership in any organized faith? For many years I had religious questions, I would go to an authority with my questions, I received answers, but many times those answers just didn’t feel right. So, often I would take my question to a different authority, many times I found myself receiving an entirely different answer! That really confused me! As I became more confused by those different answers from people reading from the same book, but giving me the impression that each answer was right, those troubles grew. About that time I started directing some of my questions to My Father in Heaven. To my surprise He would answer those questions for me in a manner that I could easily understand! Since I started asking questions of Him, I have been taken places and shown things along with those answers. I have found that my faith in organized religion has weakened, but my faith in my God has become rock solid. That part of my faith is without question! Now if I am ask my religion, I can state that I belong to God, I don’t feel that any middleman is needed. Please tell me how anyone can truly determine God’s right side? This man stated that he was a “man of God”. Aren’t we all? Don’t we believe that all of us are God’s will? I do not believe that a certificate on the wall or a different manner of dress would cause our God to listen more carefully to them anymore than He would to you or me. I don’t think God ever checks to see which side we’re on before He listens to us. I often wonder if many of our religious leaders and teachers are more interested in themselves than the ones they are talking to. At times I also wonder if God speaks to them like He does to me. My God told me “I give you My word for you, others may hear those same words differently.” I will never tell you that I am on God’s right side, but I will often tell you that I know that God is always at my side.

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