Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dreams and Fantasies

There are dreamers and there are those who fantasize and then there are others with hearts full of dreams that will never be let out because they are afraid of “what others might think”. They are afraid of being different but, that is what our dreams are for! Dreams and fantasies are the tools in our hearts that make us different. That’s what makes each of us an individual. That’s what keeps us from being a rubber stamp of everyone else! My definition of a dreamer is; one who thinks of something different and then says to themselves “I know I can figure out a way to make it happen.” The one who fantasizes, dreams the same dream and then says to themselves “I wish someone would figure a way to do that”, never realizing that they had the power to do just that. To me, my dreams are the spark that ignites the flame of making things happen. My goal has always been to find a way to make IT happen. Looking back I can’t remember ever saying “I give up” there always has to be a way. In my heart I have always felt that if I can dream it, I can find a way to make it happen! No one ever told me that making a dream happen would ever be easy. God has given most dreamers the ability to visualize their dreams. Some might call this daydreaming. I call it one of God’s gifts! We must thank the dreamers for getting us out of the dark ages. Many of those who fantasize write excellent novels. They have the ability to dream things the way they wish they were and then have the ability to put those dreams into words. They have the ability to place their dreams in a world of make believe. I guess you could say that those of us who dream use more logic in our dreams. To me the most gifted of the dreamers are those who have the ability to both dream and fantasize they are able to dream into the future. They are the ones that dream “the impossible dream” and then make it happen. They are the ones that use the stepping stones of today to walk us into the unforeseen future of tomorrow. God filled each of our hearts with dreams. The more of our dreams we bring forth and fulfill the easier we’ll find it to open our hearts for our next one. If we hide our dreams and share them with no one, we are robbing ourselves of the creative part of our heart. Sooner or later that heart will wither and fade away leaving only the shell that held all of our dreams, hopes, promises, and joys of our youth. The poorest people on earth are those unwilling to open their hearts to let their dreams flow from those hearts. Also, high on my don’t like list, are those that try to make others dream “their way”. Each person’s dreams and fantasies are different, even for identical twins. Our dreams are similar to our finger prints in that no two are the same. That’s what makes each an individual. Today’s schools are the place to learn of the dreams and accomplishments of others. The teachers are there to ignite that spark that opens hearts and minds of inquisitive young people. We cannot afford to let the unruly and undisciplined control those classrooms. Our dropout rate is way too high. We must find a better way to encourage those young dreamers. Those who WANT to learn. Those who know in their hearts that they can find the dreams “to make it better”! Without our dreams and fantasies we all would be no more than the walking dead and sad to say I don’t have to look far to see more and more of this in today’s society. It’s our duty to encourage our kids to dream THEIR dreams but we must not try to change those individual dreams God put in each of their hearts. Many of our greatest inventers had the ability to take the completed dreams of others and then improve on them. Today this is known as progress. It seems that God puts some of the greatest dreams in the hearts of the least of us. Great dreams are not restricted to race, creed, color or the amount of money in your bank account, each time you dream just thank your God for the blessing. This one is for Sam.

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