Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My World

I’m back, with a few more scars, but I now have it back under control! The me I like better is back in control! All, or maybe I should say most of, the negatives that unloaded on me are back in their place. Was it a learning experience? You bet it was! Now back to my subject; my world, or maybe I should say the world my God and I put to gather for me is, I can’t really say it’s a wonderful world, but it is not that bad a place to live in. I still find myself continually looking for those good things to walk through the door of my life. I now know that I have to be a little more selective when that door is open, I have learned that an open door is also an invitation for all of the bad things standing around just waiting to sneak in. Long ago I learned that those negative things made me feel sad and unimportant and all the positive things helped me feel good. That was the time in my life that I became over confident and a bit selfish. I’m sure we’ve all said it; it can’t happen to me. I started believing all those positive things were put in my world “just for me!” As I started seeing all of those “just for me” things I forgot that my world also had a lot of bad things floating around. I had learned that many times others would blindly walk past blessings that I knew were put there just for me to see. I would have never believed that bad stuff could also have been put there “just for me to see!” As I talked to others, I found myself amazed by how many were only finding negatives in their lives! I found many that, in their quest for ugly, they were trampling over the unseen beauty and blessing put before them, never realizing the beauty of those things before their presence! I learned that beauty only remains beauty until someone brings ugly into the picture. I learned that many times beauty is surrounded by ugly. I’m reminded of a lighthouse that I was photographing on an island off of Washington State. Everything was “just right!” The light was great, the sky was blue, an old schooner was just off shore, but I wanted to get that “just right” angle. As I concentrated on my subject I walked out into a briar patch. The instant before I pushed the shutter button both of my feet slipped under a vine and I fell face down in that field of thorns! As I put my hands down to push myself up, there was nothing under my hands but thorns! I had to lay there until help arrived! I got my picture, but by that time nothing was the same! Sometimes we have to endure a little pain to find that beauty! It brought back the memory of a childhood friend that always warned me “Bob you got to remember, it ain’t always gonna be easy!” The world of my youth, always found me wondering what was over the next hill or around the next turn. Of my mid life, it was, one beautiful place after another, often looking for that special sunrise or sunset. My today’s world is limited to a few hours work, then several hours spent looking out my front window, while relaxing in the comfortably nest I’ve created for myself. It’s a great world! I now have the time to watch plants and animals grow. I have time to do things that I was always too busy to do before! Yes, Bob’s head is again back on straight!!!

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