Thursday, February 28, 2013


Pretenders All of the pretenders are not on the stage or on the screen, many put on a show anytime they think someone else is looking. Many try to be someone they really don’t want to be, because they feel that’s what is expected of them. There is much hatred of my country today. In my nearly 9 decades I have found many good people showing an unbelievable hatred for other good people. Much of this hatred is pretended hatred, but hatred is an ugly that goes all wait to the bone and shows in person long after it is turned off. It is like a hurt the leaves ugly scar. And, a person carries that scar all of the rest of their life. Most of us are pretenders. We use this as a means of getting things we want, or maybe for not doing things we don’t want to do. One of the most common pretenders is the religious pretenders, many are the ones that tell us that we should be good, while they are doing bad things themselves. Many use proper language in their place of worship and then revert to the language of the street as soon as they walk out the door. Most people like, or are impressed by robes and crowns and even certificates, while not even asking if they were not warranted or earned. Most kids will up trying to pretend. And usually their parents encourage it. By pretending to be a pilot, I had a leather helmet and a pair of goggles. I flew thousands of hours in the backseat of my dad’s car. I’m sure you’ve heard mothers say something like; isn’t she cute dressed just like a movie star? Could our lives be nothing more than one big pretend? Most of us dress, not the way we really want, but to give others impression that we are something else. Hasn’t the name brand clothing industry made a fortune off small tags? Usually the food isn’t that much better in an upscale restaurant, but we like to be seen eating in places like that. Pretend makes us feel important, but importance of is not made by pretense. Importance is not made by big cars, expensive clothes, or hob-knobbing with rich people. Have you ever heard the saying; I’d like to buy them for what I think they’re worth and sell them for what they think they’re worth? It’s all a pretense! Many places that call themselves religious institutions are nothing more big business. Behind those closed doors the profit and loss sheet is almost as important as the Holy Books! In our world today, it’s hard to know who anyone really is. I’m sure God knew what he was doing when he decided that all of our chocolate coating, all of our pretending, would turn into dust, while our inner self, that part we cannot touch, returns him untarnished.

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