Thursday, November 11, 2010


You may wonder why an eighty-five year old man would all of a sudden come up with a blog. Actually I had no choice because for several weeks before I started this blog I was told by My Friend to start it. At first I just passed it off, but that voice was very persistent. It just kept telling me to start a blog. I had no idea of what a blog was, I had never even seen one. That voice kept saying start your blog!
To get some idea of all of this lets back up a bit: for eight or nine years I worked with a group from my church helping with a prison ministry. I never considered what I was doing as preaching. I never quoted scriptures. I just told stories. My Friend told me to show love and listen to the hurts. I never once walked into the prison with written words. Just before I walked through the gates I would always ask My Father in Heaven to put words into my mouth that would be pleasing unto Him. Surprisingly I never found myself short on words although often the words from my mouth were as new to me as to those I was talking to.
Actually I had faith in God and I accepted whatever He gave me. I always thought of myself as My Father’s tool and not as one acting in an advisory capacity. If God is all knowing He certainly doesn’t need a mere mortal like me telling Him how to do things.
Now back to my story: a few weeks later, and the blogs turning point was when I was told “Let others teach using the scriptures, yours is to speak softly and use a gentle touch”. I’m sure by now you have noticed that sometimes my gentle touch has quite a wallop behind it.
It took me quite a while to start accepting things that My Friend told me. Sometimes I would take some time to analyze what I was told, (my excuse to stall, that never worked). Then one day the smart bulb lighted when I realized if you want to win an argument you don’t argue with God.
It would be like going to the library and checking out a published book, then telling the author to change a chapter in his already completed book. In other words: I believe everyone’s Book of Life has already been written. Yes-from the first capital letter of the first word of the first sentence to the last period after the last word of the last chapter. I believe my God has written and read my Book of Life from the beginning to the end. I accept it as written, I won’t try to analyze or rewrite my book. When My Father speaks I listen I’m not His adviser.
I do not believe every word spoken from the pulpit to be gospel. I’ve walked from a church service with questions and doubts. That is the reason that I started going to My Father, My Friend for answers. It took me a while to learn to listen and sometimes a little longer to accept those answers.
I now understand why this eighty-five was told to start this blog that you are reading today. Because I was told to do it! Sometimes that acceptance stuff is hard to learn. I assure you the time spent is not wasted for I have found acceptance and faith are basically the same.

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