Thursday, November 4, 2010

God Knows You

God knows you, but do you know God? Do you talk with Him (not pray) many times a day? When He talks with you do you hear Him? Do you want to hear Him? Do you feel He is there for your convenience, not you for His? When you talk to Him do you feel He needs your advice? When He tells you something you don’t want to hear do you try to talk over Him? Do you TRULY believe in God? How’s that for questions? It seems that many times when we think of God we find ourselves with more questions than answers.
Many times as I walked from church I found myself pondering many new questions but having few new answers. It’s hard for me to walk from a place of learning with more questions than when I entered. Why are there so many different interpretations of that one book, the Bible? It really puts a scare in me when someone tells me; theirs is the “true church”.
In many of today’s churches I have found the mighty dollar is almost as important as the teaching of religion. In the big TV churches you will find them on their knees asking for money as often as in prayer. Their overhead is so great that the money they keep asking for is really their life blood. That money is the blood that pays for their lavish productions that keep people watching. That great program is planned to the second. Their rating is as important to them as teaching the gospel.
As sad as it seems, that same dollar keeps the doors open in all of our churches. So many times the church boards are more interested in the churches spread sheet as they are in the number of souls saved. Today’s church is big business.
Often the business of fellowshipping, loving, and counseling is left up to you and me. Many of the old ideas of families together in church have gone by the way side. It seems as though there is too little time and so much to do and see. Even though today’s church is much more of a professional production and all crammed into a fixed number of minutes little time is left for “that old time religion”.
After walking out of church doors Sunday after Sunday with many unanswered questions I concluded I had to find a better way to find answers to my questions. What better way for me to get those answers than go to the source?
My next question was how, or could, I receive my answers from God? I thought up many reasons that God would not answer my personal questions. But, all of those reasons didn’t answer one question. Then my answer came into my heart! My answer was “Ask and you shall receive”!
As answers sometimes do, I found a new question. My next thought was HOW do I ask? I wondered; Do I have to bow my head in prayer each time I have a question? I thought that could be hard to do if I was driving down the highway at 70 miles per hour! It was then I thought about My Friend who was always by my side. I always talked to him as I would to another friend. Why should it be different with my questions?
Surprisingly, I never used “prayer talk”, or knelt in prayer, or used “church talk” when I talk with Him. I receive my everyday answers from Him as I would from you. I have explained my important answers in an earlier blog.
He has let me know many times that I am His friend and that He is watching over me. That doesn’t mean He will not let me mess up but even then I know He is always at my side. Of course I know Him! He is right here at my side!

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