Saturday, November 27, 2010

Does God Wear Jeans

STOP! Don’t read another word until you go to my Facebook page (Bob Shanklin) and tell me your minds-eye impression of what you feel God looks like.
I’m sorry for that interruption but I felt this blog could change the way your minds-eye would look at Him.
For my first few years when I thought of God I thought of him as an old bearded man wearing a robe and living in the clouds.
The more I thought about that the more I realized that vision just didn’t work for me. I knew God was always by my side and if He was always by my side and the source of all knowledge why on earth would He wear a long white robe in my yard? In no time that long robe would be covered with sand-burs, Devil’s darning needles, and beggar’s lice. That doesn’t even count the sand and dirt. It was then I then realized there had to be something wrong with my vision.
All the artists and sculptures picture Him dressed in old Mid-Eastern garb, like you would see in Jesus’ time. But, this is over 2000 years later, that long white robe stuff just didn’t fit into today!
If I’m working in the yard in jeans, I picture Him beside me also in jeans! If I’m walking at the edge of the surf I picture Him in shorts! I know He is walking with me because when I look back over my shoulder I only see one set of barefoot prints. That’s because He is carrying me! Even when I picture Eternity there is no way that I picture Him in a long white robe.
When My Friend speaks to me he speaks in everyday American English. So, why should I expect Him to dress differently from my other friends?
In my mind’s eye, I picture Him as a middle age man. I feel He would be well shaven with possibly a well trimmed beard. Shaving and trimming are far easier today than the God depicted in artists visualizations of thousands of years ago.
I can picture Him possibly wearing a suit, never a $500 one, and NO tie. I’m sure it would be impossible to convince one with ALL knowledge to ever wear a tie!
As you can see, I picture God as a modern day friend. Someone you or I can feel comfortable with being in His presence.
After walking side by side with Him for my many years it’s very hard to think of Him as anything but a best friend. I’m sorry, try as I might I just can’t picture Him in that long white robe. In jeans? Yes.
Since I started thinking about this blog I have asked many others their thought on God’s looks. I have been surprised by the many responses. We all know there is but one God. But, each person feels that He isTHEIR God and each sees Him differently. I find each person’s vision differs. In describing Him, the description is always of my God, never our God. Their vision is much like their finger prints, no two are just alike.
Those of us that speak to Him as our Friend tend to have a more relaxed impression of Him. Maybe, that’s because we look upon Him as we would any good friend. I find myself speaking to Him as I would to you or any other friend. We talk as friends, with respect, but without “prayer talk”, just plain English.
I feel comfortable with my God and I feel my God feels comfortable with me.

Sandra said: “ He must look human, because we are created in His image”.

Now tell me how YOU see Him.

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