Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Darkness and Light

In the past, I heard a speaker say; “In all darkness there is always some light.” That’s pretty strong stuff and it started me thinking.
I my darkest days, it seemed I could always find a glimmer of light. Maybe it was just a small bit of hope but I found that I never could completely close the door on that last bit of hope.
One of my favorite songs goes something like this; “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!” As long as I have a spark of hope I’m gonna let it shine!
I have never had the financial means to help a person that way but I have found it takes nothing more than my time to listen. Many times I’ve heard people say if only they could have had SOMEONE to talk to or someone just to listen to them they could have talked those hurts out of their system. Well, maybe you or I could have been that someone! Did I hear someone say they just didn’t have the time to stop and listen? What was so urgent in YOUR life that you could not take a moment or two to help another person through those dark times?
Sometimes we find ourselves holding our plate of troubles that is full and running over. At times like that it is easy to forget about That Friend that is always by your side. Remember Him, hand Him that full plate and ask for a clean one. He is far more experienced handling our troubles than we are. That is what I do.
Most of our darkest problems started as yesterday’s problems. If we stew about them they will spoil today and probably also many tomorrows as well.
It seems to me that many times we only have to look the other way to find all of the good things Our Father in Heaven has put in our lives. I believe if we would look as hard for the good things in life as we do the bad it would be easier to put our life back in balance.
Our society and our lifestyle is continually trying to “brain wash” us, teaching us to look first to the dark side of life. We seldom see the GOOD side of the news making the headlines. When we turn on the TV, more often than not all we and the kids see is one tragedy after another. They want us to believe we live in a negative world!
It seems the commercial world is more and more afraid of the positives. Even in the ads for healing drugs, if you listen closely, they tell you about all of the bad things that could happen if you take them. If the cure is that risky, why bother? I want to live my life without having to hear all of those could haves.
When my Grandma used to scold me when I‘d done something wrong, she would often say “Bob, you are better than that”. Today the things I read and hear help me realize what she was telling me. For much of that stuff I KNOW I’M BETTER THAN THAT!
I want to let my light shine. I don’t want someone I will never know or see to keep pulling that negative shade of darkness over my life. In this world of darkness, I want to let this little light of mine SHINE!

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