Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Lifetime to Learn

When I was sixteen, I knew everything! When I talked with “old folks” (and that was anyone older than me) it seemed to me that all they wanted to talk about was things that had happened to them. I couldn’t understand why they expected me to listen to all their stories about all of that “old stuff”.
Little did I realize at that time that many of those old person conversations were really teaching experiences aimed at me to help me avoid situations that had caused them problems in their lives. Many times they were showing me ways around problems that had caused them to stumble and fall. But, I already knew everything so--- I thought it would be a waste of my time to listen closely to all that boring stuff.
There was one old person that I listened to. That person was my Grandma. Looking back now, I realize just how many times it took her bop on the side of my head to get my attention and help me put my head back on straight.
It took me many years and many scars before the smarts moved in and I started to realize that those boring stories, the ones I so casually brushed off, were teaching experiences for ME! Often they were showing me how they found rocks in their road of life and how they had overcome them. They were teaching me LIFE and many times I turned that teaching off! Or, maybe I just didn’t realize they were that important.
Today there have been times that I have looked down my nose and criticized today’s kids. Looking back, many of those kids are much like I was. And, I didn’t have to put up with all of today’s “correctness”. Also, few of today’s kids have a Grandma like I had!
Another thing, my teacher could march me out to the coat room, pick up that big paddle hanging from a hook and give me ten swats on my bottom. With closed eyes I still remember the sounds of the giggles from the girls as I walked back into the room with tears still on my cheeks. Many of my learning experiences seem to last a lifetime. I wonder how teachers and Grandmas get the kid’s attention today.
Today I realize that one of my greatest accomplishments has been learning HOW to learn. My greatest blessing is learning! I know that as long as there is a breath in this body there will always be things for me to learn. It’s learning that makes our life exciting!
As I age I have found that some of the things I have learned I tend to forget. Could it be that my hard drive gets full and I have to empty a few things out to make room for more learning? I wonder if forgetting a few things in later life is just as important as learning.
I want you to think about this; have you ever thought to yourself; “ I messed up this time but if it ever happens again, I’ll be ready for it.” That wasn’t a mess-up, it was a learning experience! In life, if we survive, each time that we stumble it is nothing more than another learning experience.
I’ve heard folks say; I try not to have to face things like that or I put things off as long as I can and I’ve heard students say that they were having too much fun that they would go back to school later. Catch-up is a hard game to play, especially when it comes to your education.
Please, make each day a day of learning. Because, the day you learn nothing is a day wasted and those days are too precious to waste.
Here I am nearly seventy years after I thought I knew it all and I’M STILL LEARNING! That should tell you something, it has me! My Grandma, each time she scolded me, would finish with “Bob, you know that you are better than that!” I heard these same words quite a few times but it took me years to learn their true meaning.

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