Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm Preparing

Sometimes when people talk to me they think my hearing is getting worse. In reality I’m preparing, I’m just deep in thought. While in deep thought sometimes it’s hard to let another thought break in.
Some people would say that they’re just “getting their ducks in a row”. They are just trying to put their thoughts and or their lives in order so that they can face the coming minute, hour, day, week, year, or even their lifetime.
For me, I find that when I’m thinking those “everyday thoughts” they are easy for others to break into. But, when I’m working on that “really deep stuff”, I’m hard to break into. That’s when I have a case of what I call “funnel vision”. My entire thinking process is pointed in that one direction! My walls of thought are very thick making them hard to penetrate from the outside.
Years ago I built a greenhouse on the side of the building I call the shed. Over the years it fell into disrepair. Last year I started fixing it up. Inside I built a small gurgling fountain and outside I replaced the badly discolored plastic panels with windows others had discarded. It was only then that I realized I had created a “quiet place”.
It had turned out to be a place I could walk into, close the door and leave the rest of the world on the outside. I had changed the old greenhouse into my preparing place, a place for me to think my thoughts and make my plans. As a bonus, I found it to be an excellent place to talk with my Friend, my Father in Heaven. It has turned into a place where thoughts and ideas come easier.
For many years I found myself continually running headlong into corners. I had many great ideas but I jumped into them before I took into consideration the costs and needs. For each great idea God puts stumbling blocks in its path. The ones that fall and then stand back up and then keep going are the ones that succeed. The ones that say I tried that and it didn’t work so I quit, they’re the ones that failed.
For me, ideas just keep coming. My joy is figuring out how to make them work after that they become boring for me and there is always a new and more exciting idea waiting to take its place.
I guess I need a sign to hang around my neck that says “I’m preparing-Please do not disturb”.
I’ve had different people tell me that they wanted “piece of mind’ or that they “were trying to put their thoughts together” or they wish “they could think straight”. Were they really telling me they only were trying to put their lives in order?
I’ve had people tell me they wished they could live a quieter more simple life. One of the ways could be to turn off the TV. That on switch is also an off switch! Also we have no need for background music for every step of our lives. We don’t need someone at our elbow each waking moment. We need to turn off the rest of the world, to find our own quiet place, a place we can “think for ourselves”. We need a place to give the world a chance to get in step with US. We can make our world a wonderful world. O Yeah!

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