Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Someplace Else

It was only yesterday that I realized how lucky I was! After talking with many who were always looking for that someplace else and something else and wondering if they would ever find it, it was yesterday that I really knew that I had found that elusive place. And, I was there!
All of my life my desire had always been to see what was around that next corner and over that next hill. I know now I’ve seen everything I ever wanted to see, and more, much more! I now live in one of the most beautiful areas that I’ve seen in all those travels! To be able to live in this beautiful place, my finances made it necessary to live in one of the poorer sections. But, I live here! I live in my someplace else!
Today if I had to write you a check for several hundred dollars I’m sure my bank would reject it. Yet, I feel so rich! My richness comes from the many blessing my God has given me. Counting God’s blessing to me are far more important to me than counting to see if I have one dollar or ten in my pocket.
It’s so unimportant to me that you played golf yesterday with that “important” person because yesterday I walked and talked with God and He gave me many blessings. He allowed me to take the time to look at that beautiful full moon that painted a silver road of its reflection all the way down to our outstanding beaches. If that was not enough, I saw that moon on the way home from fellowshipping with members of my family and three of my favorite musicians. While listening to them they played several of my favorite songs, you may wonder, did I sing along with them? You bet I did!
It has taken me awhile to learn to enjoy the things I have at this moment. Often the joy is lost when that moment is lost. I’ve learned that it is so easy to let that “looking for something else” blind us from seeing what we already have.
God hands each of us dozens of what I call “quickie blessings” each day. But, if we keep looking for only those big blessings it’s easy to overlook those small blessings we tend to consider unimportant.
I’ve learned to look upon all of God’s blessings as important. I think of it this way; if God did not think that each of us was important He would not bother giving us any blessings at all. I have found many of my blessings in unexpected places. I’ve even found them in my someplace else!
God hands us our blessings in many ways. Many times they are handed to us and we never realize what they are. If we continually spend our lives looking for more, we may never find it, because we may already have it!

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