Monday, May 9, 2011

Do Whatever He Tells You

Has God ever told you to do something? Or, maybe I should ask if God ever talked to you? Or, should I just ask if you ever wanted to listen to God? If you are waiting for God to speak to you with a BOOMING voice, you may have a long wait.
Did I just hear you say “I suppose that kook is going to tell me that God talks to him?” If that was you I just heard then you better pick up your mouse and click to another blog because yes I talk to God, and yes, God talks to me!
My God is my friend, in fact one of my best friends, and I talk to Him as I would talk to any other of my closest friends. I never use special words when I’m talking to Him and My Friend doesn’t use special words when He talks to me. I know now that He has talked to me for many years and I know now it has taken me many years to learn to listen. Many walk with Him and talk with Him but many have yet to learn to listen.
Sadly, after I learned to listen, I still found it hard for me to do all He told me to do! Even though the next to last line of my every prayer was “Your Will, will be done”, often I found myself unconsciously telling God the outcome that I expected Him to deliver. I was expecting God to do all of the work and then telling God to do it my way! I had been saying the words but when push came to shove I was ignoring that part where I kept praying about His will!
After I realized what I had been doing it still took time for me to understand that there were other answers than the ones that I had been telling Him that I expected from Him. Believe it or not, humbling as it was, I was brought to the realization that often prayers weren’t answered Bob’s way. They were answered God’s way!
Next, I realized, it was easy for me to listen to the things My Friend was telling me. BUT (again that three letter word was one of the many rocks I kept putting ahead of myself on MY road of life) I found some of the things he told me to do were easy for me to argue with. I might add; these arguments turned into one of my greatest learning experiences, if you want to win an argument, don’t argue with God!
God will never tell you to do something that He doesn’t already know you can do! God’s instructions are always positive. Each time God instructs you to do something, upon completion you will find a better person living in your body shell. Of all the times I’ve tried to argue with My Friend, all have ended with the same result. I always came out on the short end! My only gain? Each was a learning experience!
Today, when My Friend tells me to do something, I have learned to do it! It’s always for my own good!
Many times I’ve walked with My Friend in places that later, looking back, I am ashamed to have been. The many times I have argued with My Friend but never once did I doubt that He was always at my side.
Now I do whatever My Friend tells me to do. I know it is to make me a better me! I hope you have learned to listen to Your Friend because that invisible friend of yours is there to make you a better you!

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