Friday, May 20, 2011

You Can Improve

As you know, almost all of my blogs are my version of the subjects My Friend picks for me. And then, He turns me loose! The subject of each of my blogs comes from a single “one liner” that I see or hear. I find that line in many different places. I hear or see that one line, then, My Friend tells me to write it down. I have a mind like a steel sieve! If I don’t get it on paper it’s hard for me to find and pull back up. I always know that is the direction my next blog is to be headed and I know it’s important.
This one is a little different. Each morning we get our daily paper. I scan through and read the headlines. Sandra puts thought in her reading and digests each article. This morning she told me I should go back and read an entire article. The article was about a talk given by Ed Hubbard, the author of the book “Escape From The Box”. This was the first time My Friend used Sandra to point me in the direction He wanted me to go.
One of those “one liners” I would have missed had it not been for Sandra’s close reading was “Everything you’ve done you can improve on.” Boy, that’s pretty strong stuff! It could be anything thing from digging a post hole, landing on another planet, or working on our family life!
He followed that with “The only true mark of someone is the mark they leave on another person.” He told his listeners to look at every day as a GOOD DAY. The quality of each day is in the way WE perceive them. “We have to live each day thinking we can do better.”
Never before has My Friend pointed me in the direction of so many “one liners”! I’m sure you’ll find bits of these in future blogs.
When I started writing these blogs, my worry was how would I ever find the material for that first blog. Remember, it was then My Friend told me to get some paper pick up my pen and start writing! These blogs have turned from total fear to total excitement, from those doubts in me to confidence, but best of all came faith in me and My Friend! I never know what my next subject will be or where it’s coming from but I know I will be told as needed.
I’m going to tell you the process I use for each of my blogs I hope you find it interesting. First My Friend points me toward the “one liner” I am to get my subject from.
Next I pick up my pen and put it to the paper (just as I was told to do for that first blog), then I feel that unseen hand on my hand and I begin to print. Yes, each letter is printed!
After completing each essay I fire up my computer. It’s strange but for each blog I have to first put it on paper and then go to the computer, it seems that’s how my brain works and besides that’s how I was told to do it. As I type out that first edition, it’s still each letter typed with that same one finger. After it’s all printed, out My Friend and I do the first editing. I’m allowed to write my blog “my way” but if I get too far out, we edit it more “His way”. Thank goodness for my Word program for it corrects my spelling mistakes!
After He and I read over and edit the blog three or four times I put on the title and save the blog. Then I call Sandra to do the final proof reading and to resave.
After nearly a well used day, I copy the Word file and then pull up Blogger Dashboard where I paste that new blog. After a few seconds it’s there for you to read.
Sometimes I put it in my future blog file to be used later. When it goes into the future file it gets reread several more times before you see it on line.
Remember, everything we do can be improved on!

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