Monday, October 3, 2011

Someone Else

If you always expect someone else to do all of your thinking, what will you do if all of a sudden you wake up and find them gone? If you always think it is someone else’s responsibility to cure all of your troubles, maybe the time has come for you to rethink your life, because there is a chance that suddenly you may find that you have used up all of your someone elses! The only someone still standing is YOU!
It’s called responsibility, and it could be, that finger is pointed straight at you! And, if you are not prepared, you may feel all the world is suddenly laid on your shoulders.
I’ve found that many older folks find themselves lost when their loved ones die. Time after time I hear them ask “Why not me Lord? Why not me?” If God wanted both He could have taken both! If He wanted you He would have taken you! Remember you prayed for His Will to be done. I’m sure that God didn’t stop YOUR blessings because of your loss. Accept His Will and go on with your life.
That word LIFE, although made up of just four letters, must be broken and viewed into many parts. We must prepare, except responsibility, set goals, also we must realize that unexpected often arrives at the most inopportune times. But, it is never totally unexpected if you prepare for it in advance.
You often hear folks say; why should I worry about them? Someone else will take care of them! In today’s world I’m finding the world is running short on those someone elses and long on the thems! You may find yourself being that someone that they pushed the responsibility on to.
How many times have you said; that could never happen to me? And then, today it is happening! Don’t you wonder how many said “hurricanes never come this far north”? And then came Irene! I always try to think the best, but in the back of my head I keep a plan for the worst. I can’t remember ever being told that my life would be easy!
Sometimes we look at others and think that they have it made. It looks like everything they touch turns to gold! But, we haven’t walked in their shoes. I have yet to meet someone who walks on a path paved with roses! All of us occasionally find a few rocks in our path; it is just that some have preplanned a way around them!
Accomplishments are hard to come by if we always think that someone else has to lead the way. It is too late to prepare after something happens! Now is the time to accept responsibility and to start planning for those “what ifs.” That way if something happens to the one you have let doing your thinking, you will be able to find your way.
I’m not finished

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