Saturday, December 10, 2011

Judging or Liking

In many religions we are told we should not judge. But, in my lifetime I have run across several people that I just flat out did not like! Most times it was that our personalities that clashed. We did not see eye to eye!
I was assigned a doctor that, as soon as I walked through his door, this man had the ability to raise my hackles! After his first few words I knew that I didn’t like the man. And, I was supposed to put my life in his hands! One day Sandra and I were in his office when she asks him a question. Without looking at her he turned to me and said “she is sure a nosy broad isn’t she?” To me that was not acceptable bed side manner! In fact that was my last visit to that office.
He had all the qualifications for being a good doctor but I just didn’t like the man! I’m sure that there are people that I too rub the wrong way as well but at least I try to be nice to others.
God created each of us with different personalities. We can’t all be expected to march in step. We should try to have respect for others. Part of learning to live is learning when to speak and when to listen. We humans often feel that we have the ability to modify or change God’s creations. Some have used up a lifetime learning that some things are changeable and some are not. Many marriages are proof of this!
Many weddings are performed at a time of life when it hard to distinguish the difference between love and lust. Those same weddings are between those who have found that they weren’t overjoyed with a few things their other was doing. They think or hope they can make their mate into someone more to their liking! Seldom does it happen! What you liked or disliked is what you got!
After many years of life and learning I’ve found, for me, it’s better to keep my distance from the few I dislike because God created hundreds more of those I do like! I don’t like to argue. Both parties are pulled down by even the simplest most unimportant argument. A hard lesson to learn is; when an argument is over, it’s over! To keep bringing it back rarely changes its outcome but can cause longtime hard feelings!
I have found that the person who has many that they don’t like so often is a negative person. It seems like they get a joy out of looking for and finding things they don’t like in every person they meet. My years in the prison ministry have shown me that there is much good even in the so called, bad people.
In my life I’ve met people that I was sure they were “good people” but for some reason I did not like them! I found the smart thing for me to do was keep my distance from them. I did not want to put myself in a situation that might hurt the both of us.
As I close, let me give you a simple example of the difference between judging and disliking; as I sit at the dinner table someone passes me a dish of carrots. I pass the dish to the next person. I don’t like carrots! But I’m not judging all carrots; I’m not telling the rest not to eat them because they taste bad to me.

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