Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sure, you are important to you. But really, are you very important to the rest of the world? Importance is actually more a state of mind than a fact of life!
Your importance is judged by your banker by the number of zeros after the first number in the amount of money you have in his bank. Enough zeros and you are greeted, on a first name basis, every time you walk through his front door!
If that judging is by your undertaker your importance is determined by the “quality” of the service your family is willing to pay for your last trip. The “most important” gets all the whistles and bells! The most important means good advertisement! The pauper gets hardly a second look.
I’ve heard some say they think that they will be judged on the amount of stuff they have accumulated in their life. Ever hear of hoarders?
Importance is really in the eye of the beholder. Just think of how important you would feel if you could invite the gang over to your house to watch the game on that fifty-two inch flat screen TV you lusted over Saturday in Best Buy! Then think about the importance one more breath of oxygen could be to that man in the hospital. He would wonder if that last breath WAS his last!
Being mortal, we often feel that we are the most important person in the world. And, I really believe that we should believe it when we think of ourselves! Many times I’ve held a sobbing person in my arms and had them tell me that they were nothing more than a worthless piece of junk! Suddenly my importance is nothing! That person becomes the most important one in my life. That person becomes the reason my God gave me life! I MUST convince that person that our God does not create Junk. I must help them realize how important they are to the two of us, my God and me.
I have yet to meet an unimportant person. I’ve met several that I have felt that their ego exceeded their importance but I’ve yet to meet one I considered less important than me.
I believe we are each created by God’s will. I believe that if God created a person, that person must be important to Him. I’m not going to stand around arguing and making a fool of myself trying to figure out one’s importance. If that person was good enough for God, then for sure, they’re good enough for me!
I find myself more comfortable around those satisfied with what God has given them to work with. I have been told to listen closely to the least among me for it is from them I shall learn.
A person creates the impression of their importance by the way they look, dress, and speak. Let’s call it the standards that they set for themselves. Every person is born rich in God’s eyes. The ones that feel poor are the ones that have lost faith in themselves. Lost faith in only their own eyes!

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