Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Saw Love

Last Sunday evening, Sandra, I and others attended a farewell concert for our departing Snowbirds held at the Destin Florida American Legion. Those Snowbirds are the folks from the north that come to our area to spend their winters with us and then return home in the spring. The music was provided by our friend Jabbo.
Jabbo’s voice started giving him problems about half way through his program. I’m sure he wondered if enough was left to be able to finish. Being the trouper he is, he made it! Although, I’m sure that he wondered if that last hour would ever end!
After Jabbo’s part of the show, Bob the bartender, came out from behind the bar with his bagpipes. Yes, I said behind the bar, and yes it was Sunday! And no, I did not say “forgive me Father for I have sinned!”
Bob played “Oh Canada” and “America” on his pipes, and then, he started playing “Auld Lang Syne.” All fifty or sixty of us had been standing and singing but with the start of the new song, everyone joined hands and formed a circle of LOVE!
Suddenly, I had the feeling that every heart in that room was beating as one! For over eighty years I have attended many religious presentations, but here I stood on a dance floor in a bar room on the Sabbath and I found myself experiencing one of the strongest feelings of group love of my life! Could it be, when God is ready to touch someone, he doesn’t bother with the surroundings?
I’m sure that each of us walked from that room with a bit of that shared love that I had just experienced! It seemed that no one was in a hurry to leave! It was important to hold that experience as long as possible! Those moments are so few and far between and I feel sorry for anyone that goes through life never having the opportunity to experience one.
Many times in my life I have felt love happening, but I can’t remember a time that I could stand and watch it happen! And, watch it happen to so many!
Thank you Jabbo because it takes someone like you to set the mood for it to happen! Thank you Bob for doing the right thing at the right time! Thank you God for bringing all of us together in that odd place! Many of us walked in as strangers, but we all walked out as family!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Programming is simply brain washing. I know that, if asked, each of us would argue that no one would be allowed to program ME! But, think again! Our lives are nothing more than program after program being thrown at us every step of the way!
Much of our programming is of our own doing. Our standards, our goals and the standards we allow others to set for us. But, the greatest programmer was our God! Fore it was He that determined who our parents would be, where we would be born, the environment we would be born into and the color of our skin.
With much of our world telling us what it expects from us, many times we find our lives difficult to figure out just who we are or what we really want our lives to be! Worse than that, we must decide, many times, just who is living our lives. It’s sad to say, but many try to set our goals for us higher than they would ever set for themselves.
We have to learn to program ourselves, yes ourselves, and how much we will allow others to program us. At every step in our life we run head long into others who are trying to make us someone we are not.
Have you ever thought about who all those people are that take it upon themselves to change us? They are our loved ones, our doctors, our religious leaders, our TV, our computers, that person on the other end of your phone, even most printed matter you read, and yes even this blog! And, each will tell you that they are “helping you” or making you “a better person!”
Much of our programming is there to make us “feel good” of “feel bad” about ourselves. To make us feel “worthy” or “unworthy” of ourselves! Some of the adds we read try to convince us that we need “this or that” to make us look important to others. Aren’t they really trying to make us someone we aren’t?
Tell me this; who determined what is that “better” that others expect us to reach? What gives “them” a right to judge me? I’m careful of the standards and the goals I set for myself. But, when something is “right” for me, it is not necessarily “right” for the rest of the world! Please don’t try to program my dreams, because they could be all wrong for you.
If I would allow some religions to program me; I could find myself scooping up horse manure in my street and be riding in a horse drawn buggy as their members still do! For me, I would much rather drive down a highway at seventy-five in my air-conditioned car, but that’s my choice!
I have found it wrong, for me, to compare programming and progress in the same breath. I also have found it wrong, again for me, to consider programming a tool of the future. I’ve found many still trying to program themselves to the past, the “good old days.” The future is never yesterday or thousands of years in the past! That future is from right now and on!
I allow myself to be programmed only if I feel it is right for me. How about you, are you going to live your life by your standards or by theirs?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


We should never compare ourselves to someone younger. For we have already lived that part of our lives. Never compare ourselves to someone we feel is smarter than us. For God never creates two mortals the same. Never compare ourselves to someone we feel is more gifted than us. For they may just have learned to use their gifts in a more practical way.
Never feel that you have more bad luck than others. For those others may have learned to use each bit of bad luck as learning experiences that teaches them to step over the stumbling stones that caused their first fall, and move on, never to dwell on yesterday’s bad luck!
Never feel that you are disadvantaged. For one never has to look far to find one in worse shape than you. We should never compare ourselves to others until we have walked many miles in their shoes!
Could this comparison thing actually be no more than a lesson in futility? Aren’t we really comparing ourselves to all of God’s best? Maybe, it’s time to step back and compare us to us! How are WE doing with what God gave us to work with? How about counting our accomplishments instead of our failures? We look pretty good, don’t we? Could it be that we have been looking in the wrong direction for our comparison?
Now, that we have gone over all this comparison stuff that we used to make us feel sorry for ourselves, may I suggest that we take a little trip? “Where are we going?” you ask? Back to my favorite Wal Mart, of course! Remember, park as near the front door as we can. We’re just going to sit in the car and look. I challenge you to tell me, and remember this is only from outward appearances, would you want to trade places with anyone you see?
So often when we start comparing ourselves, we quickly put ourselves in the negative. Whenever I start heading down that road, my memories of my Grandma smacks me on the side of my head! Then she would say to me “we both know you’re better than that!” Both God and I know you’re better than that! Me because I love you and He because He created you the way He wanted you.
It is so important for us to realize the things God gave us to work with and learn to live the best we can with them. Just because we see someone do something better than us, does not make them better than us.
I’ve met many “important” people in my lifetime, some I admired, but not one of them did I envy. Not one would I have wanted to trade places with!
I live my life according to my standards and goals. Some would say I set my goals too low, but I set them according to what I feel my God gave me to work with. I have had the satisfaction of reaching many of my goals! With that completion of a goal I have the feeling of accomplishment that a person who sets unreachable goals never feels! I use my accomplished goals as stepping stones. I set my goals according to me, that way I never have to compare myself to others!
Those times that I compare myself to me, I feel good! Try it on yourself you may find you like you better! I’ve known many that I thought had done a good job with what God had given them to work with! Look at your face in a mirror, can you say the same about the face looking back at you?

Friday, March 9, 2012

One Of Us

All of my life I’ve heard people talk about others, they would talk about the good they had done, them they would make a face and add; but, they just aren’t one of us! All through my growing-up years I learned that many would point to others and then say “but he, or she, or they were not one of us!” Many times I was shown those who were not, but I can’t remember being shown a one that was that one of us!
After a time I concluded that many were not quite as good, but no one really explained to me why! If I ask why, I usually was brushed off with answers like; oh they came from someplace else, or they came from a different country, even they dress funny, I was even told they go to a different church! Once I was told that “they” think funny!
In my mid life my family and I moved from the mid-western USA to the “Good Old Boy” south. It was there that I first learned that I talked funny! It was also there that it was brought forth to me that even I could be a “not one of us!” I also learned that one of this areas favorite reading materials was people! I’m sure you’ve heard someone say; “take care, they’ll read you like a book!” This is the area that saying came from! I guess too many came into this place trying to be someone they weren’t!
True friends are easy to come by around here. But, I learned that easy friendship was given with some reservation. It was made pretty clear that if I talked different, I probably would never end up a true “one of us!”
Several of my new friends worked hard and long hours. Many times I offered to help and my help was accepted. One evening after my work I was ask to help; the request was followed with a promise of an early morning “feed” after work was finished. It sounded like fun so of course I agreed.
We finished that night of hard work and then drove to one of my friend’s houses. We walked directly into the dining room and before us was a feast! I ask what the occasion was for all that food, and was told “it’s all for you Bob!” I was told that they were celebrating because they were no longer going to refer to me as a “Damn Yankee!” From now on I was just to be a Yankee! I had the feeling that I had been accepted! I felt like I was now “one of them!”
Then, I opened my mouth when I should have been listening!!! I ask how long it would take until they quit calling me a Yankee. My bubble burst when after a moment I was told “Bob you will not live that long!” I had just been told that I never could be a true “one of them!”
I had all but forgotten my Yankee experience until, the other day when it again was brought to my attention. In this area, many folks from colder climates come to spend their winters with us. We call them “Snow Birds.” I was told by a local; we appreciate those Snow Birds, but, you’ll notice there is usually a but before the next word; they just aren’t “one of us!”
Are we trying to tell the world that we think we’re better or different than the rest of the world? Are we saying that we don’t like strangers? Are we trying to build fences around ourselves to keep the rest of the world out?
For the better part of a century people have taught me to look for differences in people. Maybe, just maybe, we should start looking to find how alike we are! We all breathe the air around us. Isn’t that a good place to start? Doesn’t that make them “one of us?” Is it really necessary to carry that bloody knife of division every place we go?
My last question: are YOU really sure that you are “one of us?”

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Pandora's Box

When I first started walking up to strangers and asking that question; “what did you want to be while growing up”? I had no idea of its consequences! I thought the answers I received might give me some ideas for a blog. Little did I dream that short one line could open the door to an exciting new adventure!
I had planned to keep it simple. Seldom are my blogs more than 700 words. I had planned on keeping a person’s gender, their color, or their religion out of my essay. I now know that all can be a controlling factor in all of our dreams! I thought that I would only be asking about that person’s dreams; those dreams that were fulfilled and those that were never reached.
I thought, or maybe I dreamed, it could be interesting to walk up to anyone, any place, at any time and ask my question. So far I’ve probably ask about a hundred people, and no one has refused to answer!
I never ask kids, unless a parent is present. Often I see a surprised look on that parent’s face when they hear the youngster’s answer. I wonder if they never thought to ask that question!
I’ve had some people come back later and thank me for showing an interest in them. And then, taking time to listen!
I think that question is so great because it gives people a chance to think and talk about themselves. For a few moments it’s just them, there is not a need to put someone else in their equation! I’ve been surprised at the number of smiles I see as they look back on pleasant memories of growing up.
God puts many dreams in our heart, but seldom are we asked to talk about them. Think about this; with that one question I’ve made that person the most important person in the world for ME! Even if it’s for only a few minutes!
I have always believed every person has a story within them, sometimes a book! That story is just waiting to be told. Our former president Bill Clinton put it this way; “ I believe everyone is interesting, and has a story to tell.”
I can also add that I learn so much from those I talk to. It has been my goal to be able to carry on an intelligent conversation with anyone. I try to know a little about a lot of things. Then as others talk, I step back and learn more! I try to let others direct the conversation, but I ask a lot of questions.
I find that many feel that others have taken their dreams from them. Sometimes it’s family, friends, religion, or even someone telling them that they are not capable of doing something. It’s their dream and if they can dream it they can do it. Maybe they let others hide those dreams in a box and they are afraid to let them out!
I have been surprised at the number of people that feel they have fulfilled their childhood dream, and then gone on to dream more dreams! Sadly, I have run into some older people that feel they no longer dream!
As of today, I’m almost 87. I’m still not sure just what I want to be when I grow up! But, I’m fulfilling my last dream as I write this! And, I’m finding the answers I’ve been receiving from that question has opened up many new trains of thought! Every time I hear my musician friend Jabbo sing “It’s a Wonderful World” I’m in full agreement! Oh Yeah!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My One Hundredth Blog

For thousands of years the world had what I consider “religious conformity”; a number of small groups being taught by one person in each group teaching them his interpretation of his reading from a religious book. That person usually received his authority to teach from a larger group that had interpreted their reading of that book one way or the other! Sometimes, when no one else was a around, a person would take the authority upon themselves!
After many more years, a few people started traveling. That presented a problem! They started being told things that were not of their learning! The things they were hearing were not the way they had been told things should be. Therefore that made all “others” wrong! Those “others”, if they did not conform to the traveler’s religious beliefs, either had to be converted or killed! ANYONE they converted was a (good person), but all of those (no good heathens) must die! Yes, all in the name of religion!
This train of thought went on for years! Sometimes entire races were wiped out! But, as travel became more common, many found that they could move to areas that were more friendly to their religious beliefs or maybe they moved to vacant areas where they could give their beliefs a fresh start. Some even started different interpretations of their old religion, while still retaining its basic beliefs.
About that time our world walked into the last century. In just that century, the world went from horse and buggy to jet planes! In just those hundred years, we saw more changes in our world, than the rest of the years from the beginning of time! Many religions had been happy with things before. They wanted to keep living in “the good old days”, they didn’t realize they had to learn to think the old thoughts in new ways. Many felt more secure with that living breathing horse in front of them, they found themselves uncomfortable with those “new fangled” ideas of religion. Many stood there dragging their feet as their membership started running away!
Early in that last century many wars were fought. Suddenly those kids from those small areas, the ones with conforming religions, found themselves stationed in areas with entirely different beliefs! Areas they found was worshiping the same God, but doing it in strange and different ways!
Then, about half way through that century, came religion’s first major shocker! TV! Religion and the world would never again be the same! Now we not only see things happening any place on earth, but many times we saw them as they were happening! Religion’s old horse just ran away, and we watched as someone shot it! We were able to see and hear things, right in our living room that people of the century before couldn’t have dreamed! And, it wasn’t just for a moment, IT WAS ALL THE TIME!!!
About the time our reeling religious teachers were starting to regain their balance they were again broadsided! In the mid 1980’s the computer came into our homes! Suddenly, if we had a question our local teacher couldn’t explain, we could go to the world for answers! Often, we found ourselves receiving answers before we had fully worked out our questions!
The peoples of yesterday had their religious institutions as their center of interest, but the people of today often find themselves seated in their homes instead of their places of worship. Many find it far more exciting watching TV or talking with friends in faraway places on the internet or cell phone than sitting for an hour or more listening to the same thing told the same way! And, they don’t have to dress up!
Each day I wake in the morning thinking about all of the exciting things I’ve seen in just my lifetime. And, each day I’m sure there will be more! I’ve put many yesterdays into this 100th essay. Now, I’m looking forth to many more tomorrows to hand me the material for the next hundred! Thanks for being there!