Wednesday, March 14, 2012


We should never compare ourselves to someone younger. For we have already lived that part of our lives. Never compare ourselves to someone we feel is smarter than us. For God never creates two mortals the same. Never compare ourselves to someone we feel is more gifted than us. For they may just have learned to use their gifts in a more practical way.
Never feel that you have more bad luck than others. For those others may have learned to use each bit of bad luck as learning experiences that teaches them to step over the stumbling stones that caused their first fall, and move on, never to dwell on yesterday’s bad luck!
Never feel that you are disadvantaged. For one never has to look far to find one in worse shape than you. We should never compare ourselves to others until we have walked many miles in their shoes!
Could this comparison thing actually be no more than a lesson in futility? Aren’t we really comparing ourselves to all of God’s best? Maybe, it’s time to step back and compare us to us! How are WE doing with what God gave us to work with? How about counting our accomplishments instead of our failures? We look pretty good, don’t we? Could it be that we have been looking in the wrong direction for our comparison?
Now, that we have gone over all this comparison stuff that we used to make us feel sorry for ourselves, may I suggest that we take a little trip? “Where are we going?” you ask? Back to my favorite Wal Mart, of course! Remember, park as near the front door as we can. We’re just going to sit in the car and look. I challenge you to tell me, and remember this is only from outward appearances, would you want to trade places with anyone you see?
So often when we start comparing ourselves, we quickly put ourselves in the negative. Whenever I start heading down that road, my memories of my Grandma smacks me on the side of my head! Then she would say to me “we both know you’re better than that!” Both God and I know you’re better than that! Me because I love you and He because He created you the way He wanted you.
It is so important for us to realize the things God gave us to work with and learn to live the best we can with them. Just because we see someone do something better than us, does not make them better than us.
I’ve met many “important” people in my lifetime, some I admired, but not one of them did I envy. Not one would I have wanted to trade places with!
I live my life according to my standards and goals. Some would say I set my goals too low, but I set them according to what I feel my God gave me to work with. I have had the satisfaction of reaching many of my goals! With that completion of a goal I have the feeling of accomplishment that a person who sets unreachable goals never feels! I use my accomplished goals as stepping stones. I set my goals according to me, that way I never have to compare myself to others!
Those times that I compare myself to me, I feel good! Try it on yourself you may find you like you better! I’ve known many that I thought had done a good job with what God had given them to work with! Look at your face in a mirror, can you say the same about the face looking back at you?

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