Monday, March 26, 2012


Programming is simply brain washing. I know that, if asked, each of us would argue that no one would be allowed to program ME! But, think again! Our lives are nothing more than program after program being thrown at us every step of the way!
Much of our programming is of our own doing. Our standards, our goals and the standards we allow others to set for us. But, the greatest programmer was our God! Fore it was He that determined who our parents would be, where we would be born, the environment we would be born into and the color of our skin.
With much of our world telling us what it expects from us, many times we find our lives difficult to figure out just who we are or what we really want our lives to be! Worse than that, we must decide, many times, just who is living our lives. It’s sad to say, but many try to set our goals for us higher than they would ever set for themselves.
We have to learn to program ourselves, yes ourselves, and how much we will allow others to program us. At every step in our life we run head long into others who are trying to make us someone we are not.
Have you ever thought about who all those people are that take it upon themselves to change us? They are our loved ones, our doctors, our religious leaders, our TV, our computers, that person on the other end of your phone, even most printed matter you read, and yes even this blog! And, each will tell you that they are “helping you” or making you “a better person!”
Much of our programming is there to make us “feel good” of “feel bad” about ourselves. To make us feel “worthy” or “unworthy” of ourselves! Some of the adds we read try to convince us that we need “this or that” to make us look important to others. Aren’t they really trying to make us someone we aren’t?
Tell me this; who determined what is that “better” that others expect us to reach? What gives “them” a right to judge me? I’m careful of the standards and the goals I set for myself. But, when something is “right” for me, it is not necessarily “right” for the rest of the world! Please don’t try to program my dreams, because they could be all wrong for you.
If I would allow some religions to program me; I could find myself scooping up horse manure in my street and be riding in a horse drawn buggy as their members still do! For me, I would much rather drive down a highway at seventy-five in my air-conditioned car, but that’s my choice!
I have found it wrong, for me, to compare programming and progress in the same breath. I also have found it wrong, again for me, to consider programming a tool of the future. I’ve found many still trying to program themselves to the past, the “good old days.” The future is never yesterday or thousands of years in the past! That future is from right now and on!
I allow myself to be programmed only if I feel it is right for me. How about you, are you going to live your life by your standards or by theirs?

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