Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Pandora's Box

When I first started walking up to strangers and asking that question; “what did you want to be while growing up”? I had no idea of its consequences! I thought the answers I received might give me some ideas for a blog. Little did I dream that short one line could open the door to an exciting new adventure!
I had planned to keep it simple. Seldom are my blogs more than 700 words. I had planned on keeping a person’s gender, their color, or their religion out of my essay. I now know that all can be a controlling factor in all of our dreams! I thought that I would only be asking about that person’s dreams; those dreams that were fulfilled and those that were never reached.
I thought, or maybe I dreamed, it could be interesting to walk up to anyone, any place, at any time and ask my question. So far I’ve probably ask about a hundred people, and no one has refused to answer!
I never ask kids, unless a parent is present. Often I see a surprised look on that parent’s face when they hear the youngster’s answer. I wonder if they never thought to ask that question!
I’ve had some people come back later and thank me for showing an interest in them. And then, taking time to listen!
I think that question is so great because it gives people a chance to think and talk about themselves. For a few moments it’s just them, there is not a need to put someone else in their equation! I’ve been surprised at the number of smiles I see as they look back on pleasant memories of growing up.
God puts many dreams in our heart, but seldom are we asked to talk about them. Think about this; with that one question I’ve made that person the most important person in the world for ME! Even if it’s for only a few minutes!
I have always believed every person has a story within them, sometimes a book! That story is just waiting to be told. Our former president Bill Clinton put it this way; “ I believe everyone is interesting, and has a story to tell.”
I can also add that I learn so much from those I talk to. It has been my goal to be able to carry on an intelligent conversation with anyone. I try to know a little about a lot of things. Then as others talk, I step back and learn more! I try to let others direct the conversation, but I ask a lot of questions.
I find that many feel that others have taken their dreams from them. Sometimes it’s family, friends, religion, or even someone telling them that they are not capable of doing something. It’s their dream and if they can dream it they can do it. Maybe they let others hide those dreams in a box and they are afraid to let them out!
I have been surprised at the number of people that feel they have fulfilled their childhood dream, and then gone on to dream more dreams! Sadly, I have run into some older people that feel they no longer dream!
As of today, I’m almost 87. I’m still not sure just what I want to be when I grow up! But, I’m fulfilling my last dream as I write this! And, I’m finding the answers I’ve been receiving from that question has opened up many new trains of thought! Every time I hear my musician friend Jabbo sing “It’s a Wonderful World” I’m in full agreement! Oh Yeah!

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