Friday, April 20, 2012


If we want to admit it or not, we each live in a bubble! That bubble is one of our own making, or one that we have allowed others to make for us. Like it or not, I have found that those bubbles are our own choosing! We either allow our life to happen, or we make our life happen! Although that bubble is transparent, we often find ourselves running headlong into its limitations. Boundaries, that either we have made for ourselves, or have allowed others to make for us!
Please forgive me for using myself as an example, but I know me better than I know anyone else! In one of my last essays, I mentioned that many unplanned things happened that changed my life. I also mentioned how, at an early age, I realized that others were trying to put me in a bubble of their choosing, not mine! That will be the starting point for this essay.
I had found that a majority of those I wanted to talk to would only show an interest in conversation at their convenience or their choosing! As soon as I realized this, I started forming my bond with My Father in Heaven. I knew He was always at my side and would always be there and would always take the time to listen! I learned that with Him at my side, I had much less need for the rest of the world.
With Him at my side and a few special friends, suddenly I felt free to start building my bubble my way! I spent many years bubble building and ended with one I could live comfortable in! I could open its door and let those of my choosing in and close its door to others! All the while knowing My Friend was beside me with the ability to open that door to opportunities that I would otherwise miss! I found that my bubble allowed me to watch and learn without having to participate!
Today I still find My Friend and me still living in my bubble, although I find the two of us walking in and out more often. Today I find many trying to escape from their bubbles, their bubbles that they built for themselves! Many tell me that they would like to go, or be, someplace else. But if they aren’t happy here, how do they know that “someplace else” would or could, be any different? Others have stated that; they would just like to get away from it all. Where could you go if that new place looked no different after you got there and you still found it full of “it all?” Ever think about chasing a few out of your bubble and then remodeling it to your liking? It’s hard to escape from yourself!
Years ago, I discovered that my bubble could become a lonely place, even with My Friend beside me. I learned that excitement can turn to burdon unless we learn to work and find new and exciting things to do.
It takes just a short time to change our bubble from a place of pride and joy to a prison! And, that choice is up to no one but you and me!

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