Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Captive Persons

Captive people are those we formerly called slaves. Those slaves were thought to have been freed, in the USA, by Lincoln in the 1800’s you say. If you believe that, sit down, because I’m talking about you and me TODAY!
I know, because, I pride myself in thinking that I do most things “my way!” That is until I started putting this blog together! For starters, let’s pretend that we are each a box of cereal, yes breakfast food! We all want to feel that the box we’re housed in is a “king sized box!” We visualize ourselves quite a ways from the edges so that we don’t feel boxed in. We need lots of room to move around. Room to do our own thing!
Dream your dream! A few short moves and we find that we have run into the sides of that box we find ourselves in! It’s not that king-sized box of our dreams. We’ve found ourselves packaged in only a ‘single serving” size box!
Did I hear you say “no one puts ME in a box?” Each time you sit down to watch that game on your TV you put yourself in an eight minute box! It’s commercial time! You unknowingly have let someone else put you in a box, and you pay to have it done to you! “So what?” you said I can turn the thing off any time I want. I’m still in control! Wrong!
You and me, all of us, are slaves to ourselves, our jobs, our addictions, our spouses, our health, our laws, our ageing, our religion, even our want to be’s. With each item our box becomes smaller! You may have noticed the first that I listed was OURSELVES. It’s difficult to really be satisfied with our self.
One of the most difficult things for most of us to handle is ageing and all must face the fact that it is one of our God given rights! Many associate old with ugly. I would like to hear the term “attractive older person” used more often. It’s more gentle than that old woman or man.
I would also like to touch on addiction. I look upon it as a health issue. Never feel one must hit the bottom before asking for help. Please remember I am always here to help and I never point fingers or brand people with names.
Sometimes I can recognize when help is needed, sometimes I can’t. Help is always just an ask away. There have been too many times I’ve found myself saying; if I would have only known! Sometimes it has been too late!
We, you and me, determine the amount of captivity we find ourselves in. The faith each of us has in ourselves will often determine the amount of control we allow others to have over us.

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