Saturday, April 7, 2012


This essay is going to be a bunch of mismatched ideas that are as close to the way I think as I can put on paper! I guess you might call it Bob’s logic, but I’m not sure I ever was logical.
When I think, I think thoughts (notice I put an s on the end of that word)! If you have been reading my blog, you may have noticed, it has no set theme!
Years ago in school, I hated to take notes. Today, I have hundreds of notes, pages and pages of notes. I look upon them as my external hard drive. Most of them will be found in future blogs. Today I use outlines. I hated them too.
If you are a teacher and one of your kids ask; why they have to learn all of that boring stuff? Tell them you know someone that took seventy years to answer that question, but he knows the answer today!
When I started this blog, my worry was; how can I come up with enough material to fill that first page! Today my worry is; can I find enough time to put all of my ideas on paper?”
Writing these essays has taught me much about ME! I’ve learned that I don’t mind being told what people want done, but I don’t want them telling me how to do it! A good example of that is; when My Friend told me to start a blog. He told me what He wanted and then left it up to me to figure out how to do it!
Looking back, in the hundreds of questions He has answered for me, never once can I remember being told how I should use those answers! Even in writing this blog, I am given the subject and then allowed to work with it my way! Of course I know that He is always looking over my solder!
Please tell me, how many other eighty-six year olds, find excitement in each day of their life? After talking to hundreds of others I’ve found excitement is only is only found in the eye of the beholder. Many are looking so hard to find boredom, that they can’t see the excitement around them.
I feel excitement is learning! I look upon a person that has stopped learning, as a person that is brain dead!
I try to talk to everyone I come in contact with. I find very few I talk to that I learn nothing from. I’ve also noticed that the more people I talk to, the more I find in common with them. And, this gives me a broader subject base to talk about.
Many times our dreams contribute to our learning. I’m sure you’ve heard me say that if you can dream it you can do it. But, you have never heard me say that all those dreams will be easy to fulfill! Many of my dreams have taken days of learning to be fulfilled!
If anyone would have told me, on my eighty fifth birthday, that I would ever publish over a hundred thousand words on a blog, I would have told them that they were flat-out crazy! Now, in a few more weeks I’ll be over that number! And, that is probably more words than I wrote all the rest of my life!
You must remember that each of those words was first printed by hand on a steno pad, then typed by one finger in Word, before you got to read it on my blog!
At eighty five I ask “Why me God, why me?” At almost eighty seven I find myself saying “Thank you God, You opened up a whole new world of learning and excitement for me!”

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