Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Child of God

Many times in this blog I have mentioned “a child of God.” My belief is; each of us is a part of God’s Will. I believe we each started in eternity, and then at the time of our birth we entered our earth life. Upon the completion of our earth life we return to eternity. I believe we have existed in eternity forever! My reason for that belief is because on November 8, 2010 My Friend (My Father in Heaven) told me this; your inner spirit was created in my image. It is the same from eternity to birth to death, then through eternity. Your spirit is a perfect circle there is no beginning and no ending. Your spirit has always, and will always live with Me. Within that circle you will be given many talents. You must use them wisely and share them with many.
I believe that each of us is that “child of God!” I believe that every person is here because it is God’s will! I believe that each of us was created into and born into whatever religion His Will directed us to be. I believe that each of us (you and me) is a product of His Will. That it was the Will of God that determined who we would be, where we were to be born, when we were to be born, how long we would be here, who our parents would be, and even the color of our skin. Even though many mothers and fathers are surprised, God never is! I believe our entire “Book of Life” was written (from the first capital letter to the last period) long before we were born. I just don’t believe we have ever surprised God!
I believe many have tried but few have succeeded in talking and listening to God! I truly believe that I have the ability to talk to my God and to receive answers! For many years I have walked out of places of worship with more questions than answers. I found that many times, all I had to do was ask My Friend questions from my heart to receive my answers. We have had a question and answer relationship for many years. Over the years my God has helped me develop a “fire wall” for those answers. This prevents “hackers” from getting between Him and me!
I’m very careful with my questions because I don’t ask questions of Him that I don’t feel are important enough for me to have to ask my God for answers. Surprisingly some of my answers come to me before I can ask the questions!
I look upon each of our inner spirits as I would a piece of endless string that runs from all the way back to all the way forward. I look upon our earth life as just a knot in that string! In eternity there are no more wars, no arguments, no bickering, just love and good feelings. I think our earth lives are given to us so that when we get back we will know just how good we have it in eternity. In this life, it seems as though we keep building smaller and smaller boxes to house our ideals and limit our lives. In eternity there are NO boxes!
I’ll see all of you later back there in eternity. You’ll find me behind those outstretched arms waiting to give you your welcome home hug.

Friday, June 29, 2012

World's Greatest Weapons

No, it’s not a nuke! Not even a fully equipped army! It’s something most people in our world today have easy access to! It’s the TV, the cell-phone, and the home computer!
Since the beginning of time, fear and ignorance allowed a few to rule over their small worlds. Until recent times all worlds were small. Those worlds were nothing more than a family, a tribe, or an area you could see, in its entirety, while standing on a mountain!
All it took to rule one of those worlds was first a fist, then a club, then a soldier, then later an army. It seemed that to be able to rule those worlds, you had to be someone everyone else was afraid of! Later, people learned that they needed to band together and talk things over. That’s when languages were created. Suddenly people discovered that those from different worlds “talked different!” Quickly people learned that they were “RIGHT” and if “others” did not understand them, they must be “wrong”! We’ll use our armies to show them how wrong they are!
About that time people started to ask questions. They soon learned WHO to ask. If they ask the wrong person, they found themselves dead! They started noticing things; the sun came up on one side of their world and went down on the other at the end of the day. Then came the questions; was it a different sun each day? How did it get from one side of their world to the other?
That is when the learned ones started coming up with answers! They knew that something made it happen. They decided to call that something GOD! They decided to use this “God thing” to explain the many things they did not understand! And besides, that made them look smarter to those “others!”
Then one day, one of the leaders of one of those small worlds had a thought; I can use this “God thing” as a weapon! I can go right into the homes of my people and tell them that if they don’t believe in God, in my way, they’ll die and go to a bad place. We’ll call that bad place “HELL!” If that doesn’t work, there’s always the army! And, I can always send my armies into other worlds and teach “them” how to worship my God “my way.”
For thousands of years that is how things worked! From the beginning of time until the 1940s, that’s when TVs came into the world! Suddenly our world changed! We no longer lived in our safe little regional world! Now we realize that there were others living in “our world!” Billions of others! Most of them also had a God! Could it be the same God just called by different names?
The next shock came in the 1960s when we saw two men standing on another world looking back at our world! Didn’t you think that our world looked small from the moon? Did you wonder if the same God was up there too? Only two men on that entire world, but they had TV!
Before we had TV we could ask questions and receive local interpretations to our questions. With TV often we received those answers before we ask the question. But, with the coming of our home computers in the mid 80s, suddenly our doorway to the world opened! Our information age was here! And then, as the icing on our cake, along came our cell-phones. Suddenly our world was not only in our homes, but also in our pockets!
Never before, in the history of our world, has each person had the power and understanding that each of us have today! And, that power and information is there for all of us. We are able to find information that was available to a chosen few just several years ago! Those new weapons are some of the most feared by some of the world powers and even some of our religious leaders! It’s much harder for them to convince us today, that if we don’t do things their way, bad things will happen to us. Could it be that all of our new weapons are their Hell?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Are you normal? Am I normal? I hope not! Many times I’ve wondered who draws those lines that determine what is normal and what is not. As I started this essay, that one word suddenly shifted my thinking process into high gear! Just think of how the definition of that one word has changed in just the past decade. It’s hard for most of us to find “wiggle room” in that one word, yet all of us do! Our “normal” life style in today’s world makes walking a straight line, in each of our worlds, very difficult as most find that line changes with every step. Beside, who or what could you compare yourself to?
I feel that how far we allow others to judge us is determined by the size of the box that we allow those others to build for us and try to put us in. Most seem to want to build the boxes for others, but get up tight when they think others are trying to build boxes for them. Most put more guide lines on others, they are more judgmental of those “other people!”
My Grandma, my guiding light, used to judge everyone by her interpretation of how they “should” be acting. She had the highest standards of any person I have ever known and sadly everyone was judged by her standards! Many times I remember her pointing to someone and saying; what they are doing is not normal, or at times she would tell me I should learn to think more normal thoughts! She loved me, but in her mind she had a picture of a box she thought I should be living in. Of course the box that I pictured in my mind had a very different look. Much of Grandma’s normal had been established in horse and buggy days. My life style moved much faster!
Most of today’s religions were built on things that were considered normal back in those horse and buggy days, or even donkey days. Many expect us to live our lives as lives were lived a thousand or more years ago, the “though shall or shall not’s” days of old! Most are still trying to draw straight lines and boxes that they tell us we must use in our today’s world. But, many like me find it difficult to walk those narrow lines or live in those small boxes. Many of those teachers of religion today are finding that it is easier to tell someone else how they should be living their lives than living their teachings themselves.
I have found many things that effect our outlook on normality, the region we live in makes a big difference, as does our religion, our music, our neighbors, our belief in our self, that list goes on and on. I want you to think about this; if our God created each of us to be different, how can any of us be normal?
I truly believe that throughout our lives, we are continually being pushed one way or another by a world trying to make us over to its interpretation of normal. A world trying to keep us in a small box! After living all these many years, I have yet to meet that person I could look upon as normal, thinking back , not even as NEAR normal! I believe all that normal stuff is nothing more than an invisible, ever-changing goal that others set for us, but will never be reached by us as long as we are mortal!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Questions and Answers

If you expect to receive answers; first, you have to learn how to ask the question. Second, you must learn how to listen for those answers. Many try to have a rebuttal ready before they ask the question. Too many are thinking negative thoughts that make their understanding of the answer difficult. Others find those answers that are different from their teachings are easy to brand wrong. Right, wrong, or indifferent any answer deserves thought before being judged.
There needs to be a wide gap between an answer and an argument. If a person is subject to argue, they may learn that they are the subject to fewer questions. Questions are asked for knowledge; all knowledge is subject to interpretation. Just because something is written in stone, does not make it always right.
If we are asking for answers from Our Father in Heaven we must be willing to accept those answers. At times we may find those answers to be different from the way we were taught. It is important to accept those answers without questioning, qualifying, or trying to analyze. For those answers we have gone to the source, the starter of all things, and the highest of the high! I have always found those answers to be understandable. They are always in my language and the way I speak it today!
I believe God gives answers to all throughout our lives, but few have heard them or cared to listen. The answers are much like our many blessings, most walk through life never seeing or hearing them! All are present, but few are recognized!
The people that God speaks to are no different than everyone else. They’ve just learned to listen! We learn much more from the answers than the questions. Each of us must learn when to talk and when and how to listen.
Our talking with our God does not require special words or special places. I speak with Him as I would to any other good friend. I’ve heard words from Him in many places. I’ve heard His words; while driving down the highway at seventy, and also heard then in my bathroom while in the shower, and a multitude of other places as well!
I never tell Him what I expect of Him, but several times I’ve been told what has been expected of me. A time or two I have been told to do things that I normally could not do, but I tried, and found I could do them. I know that He knows me better than I do! It’s so great to have a friend like that!
I have no intention of telling you how to think. My goal is to hand you something to think about. I don’t expect you to agree with my every thought. I just want each of my essays to be a starting point in your thought process.