Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Child of God

Many times in this blog I have mentioned “a child of God.” My belief is; each of us is a part of God’s Will. I believe we each started in eternity, and then at the time of our birth we entered our earth life. Upon the completion of our earth life we return to eternity. I believe we have existed in eternity forever! My reason for that belief is because on November 8, 2010 My Friend (My Father in Heaven) told me this; your inner spirit was created in my image. It is the same from eternity to birth to death, then through eternity. Your spirit is a perfect circle there is no beginning and no ending. Your spirit has always, and will always live with Me. Within that circle you will be given many talents. You must use them wisely and share them with many.
I believe that each of us is that “child of God!” I believe that every person is here because it is God’s will! I believe that each of us was created into and born into whatever religion His Will directed us to be. I believe that each of us (you and me) is a product of His Will. That it was the Will of God that determined who we would be, where we were to be born, when we were to be born, how long we would be here, who our parents would be, and even the color of our skin. Even though many mothers and fathers are surprised, God never is! I believe our entire “Book of Life” was written (from the first capital letter to the last period) long before we were born. I just don’t believe we have ever surprised God!
I believe many have tried but few have succeeded in talking and listening to God! I truly believe that I have the ability to talk to my God and to receive answers! For many years I have walked out of places of worship with more questions than answers. I found that many times, all I had to do was ask My Friend questions from my heart to receive my answers. We have had a question and answer relationship for many years. Over the years my God has helped me develop a “fire wall” for those answers. This prevents “hackers” from getting between Him and me!
I’m very careful with my questions because I don’t ask questions of Him that I don’t feel are important enough for me to have to ask my God for answers. Surprisingly some of my answers come to me before I can ask the questions!
I look upon each of our inner spirits as I would a piece of endless string that runs from all the way back to all the way forward. I look upon our earth life as just a knot in that string! In eternity there are no more wars, no arguments, no bickering, just love and good feelings. I think our earth lives are given to us so that when we get back we will know just how good we have it in eternity. In this life, it seems as though we keep building smaller and smaller boxes to house our ideals and limit our lives. In eternity there are NO boxes!
I’ll see all of you later back there in eternity. You’ll find me behind those outstretched arms waiting to give you your welcome home hug.

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