Friday, June 29, 2012

World's Greatest Weapons

No, it’s not a nuke! Not even a fully equipped army! It’s something most people in our world today have easy access to! It’s the TV, the cell-phone, and the home computer!
Since the beginning of time, fear and ignorance allowed a few to rule over their small worlds. Until recent times all worlds were small. Those worlds were nothing more than a family, a tribe, or an area you could see, in its entirety, while standing on a mountain!
All it took to rule one of those worlds was first a fist, then a club, then a soldier, then later an army. It seemed that to be able to rule those worlds, you had to be someone everyone else was afraid of! Later, people learned that they needed to band together and talk things over. That’s when languages were created. Suddenly people discovered that those from different worlds “talked different!” Quickly people learned that they were “RIGHT” and if “others” did not understand them, they must be “wrong”! We’ll use our armies to show them how wrong they are!
About that time people started to ask questions. They soon learned WHO to ask. If they ask the wrong person, they found themselves dead! They started noticing things; the sun came up on one side of their world and went down on the other at the end of the day. Then came the questions; was it a different sun each day? How did it get from one side of their world to the other?
That is when the learned ones started coming up with answers! They knew that something made it happen. They decided to call that something GOD! They decided to use this “God thing” to explain the many things they did not understand! And besides, that made them look smarter to those “others!”
Then one day, one of the leaders of one of those small worlds had a thought; I can use this “God thing” as a weapon! I can go right into the homes of my people and tell them that if they don’t believe in God, in my way, they’ll die and go to a bad place. We’ll call that bad place “HELL!” If that doesn’t work, there’s always the army! And, I can always send my armies into other worlds and teach “them” how to worship my God “my way.”
For thousands of years that is how things worked! From the beginning of time until the 1940s, that’s when TVs came into the world! Suddenly our world changed! We no longer lived in our safe little regional world! Now we realize that there were others living in “our world!” Billions of others! Most of them also had a God! Could it be the same God just called by different names?
The next shock came in the 1960s when we saw two men standing on another world looking back at our world! Didn’t you think that our world looked small from the moon? Did you wonder if the same God was up there too? Only two men on that entire world, but they had TV!
Before we had TV we could ask questions and receive local interpretations to our questions. With TV often we received those answers before we ask the question. But, with the coming of our home computers in the mid 80s, suddenly our doorway to the world opened! Our information age was here! And then, as the icing on our cake, along came our cell-phones. Suddenly our world was not only in our homes, but also in our pockets!
Never before, in the history of our world, has each person had the power and understanding that each of us have today! And, that power and information is there for all of us. We are able to find information that was available to a chosen few just several years ago! Those new weapons are some of the most feared by some of the world powers and even some of our religious leaders! It’s much harder for them to convince us today, that if we don’t do things their way, bad things will happen to us. Could it be that all of our new weapons are their Hell?

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