Friday, June 1, 2012

Questions and Answers

If you expect to receive answers; first, you have to learn how to ask the question. Second, you must learn how to listen for those answers. Many try to have a rebuttal ready before they ask the question. Too many are thinking negative thoughts that make their understanding of the answer difficult. Others find those answers that are different from their teachings are easy to brand wrong. Right, wrong, or indifferent any answer deserves thought before being judged.
There needs to be a wide gap between an answer and an argument. If a person is subject to argue, they may learn that they are the subject to fewer questions. Questions are asked for knowledge; all knowledge is subject to interpretation. Just because something is written in stone, does not make it always right.
If we are asking for answers from Our Father in Heaven we must be willing to accept those answers. At times we may find those answers to be different from the way we were taught. It is important to accept those answers without questioning, qualifying, or trying to analyze. For those answers we have gone to the source, the starter of all things, and the highest of the high! I have always found those answers to be understandable. They are always in my language and the way I speak it today!
I believe God gives answers to all throughout our lives, but few have heard them or cared to listen. The answers are much like our many blessings, most walk through life never seeing or hearing them! All are present, but few are recognized!
The people that God speaks to are no different than everyone else. They’ve just learned to listen! We learn much more from the answers than the questions. Each of us must learn when to talk and when and how to listen.
Our talking with our God does not require special words or special places. I speak with Him as I would to any other good friend. I’ve heard words from Him in many places. I’ve heard His words; while driving down the highway at seventy, and also heard then in my bathroom while in the shower, and a multitude of other places as well!
I never tell Him what I expect of Him, but several times I’ve been told what has been expected of me. A time or two I have been told to do things that I normally could not do, but I tried, and found I could do them. I know that He knows me better than I do! It’s so great to have a friend like that!
I have no intention of telling you how to think. My goal is to hand you something to think about. I don’t expect you to agree with my every thought. I just want each of my essays to be a starting point in your thought process.

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