Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Most religions will tell you that they are right and all others are wrong. I like to find that starting point that makes ALL beliefs the same. Why do most of those beliefs have to start on a negative? Why do we have to start with I’m right and all others are wrong? Doesn’t everything start from that same Creator, the starter of all things? My goal is to find that starting point, that point zero and find something we all can agree upon. We know we all came from a man and a woman. Isn’t that a good place to start? Something had to determine who those two people would be. But, that is only a part of our story, the point zero for each of us. In that determination was also: our time, our color, our point of origin, the basic religion or lack of that we would be born into. If you are one of those that credit fate for all of this, please tell me what you think this fate thing is. I believe that all of this happened because the Creator, the starter of all things, determined that it was time for our point zero to start. I believe that each of us is a part of God’s Will! I believe that each of us is an important part of our Creator’s plans! Never ask “why was I born?” Accept the fact that we are important to our God, or whatever we choose to call Him! And then, run with it! If we all would spend as much time appreciating all of the good things in our lives, as we do looking for the bad, we would make a better world for ourselves. Maybe make a better world for others as well. For some reason we find it easier to find and say bad things about others than to take the time to find and say good things. It seems that we often are more attracted to bad. It always seems to stand out! My prison ministry helped show me that there was a lot of good even in bad places. In today’s world I find hate makes the headlines, but good seldom makes the front page. I find that it is far more important to find something that we can agree upon than to always want to argue. You may be shocked if you are bad mouthing someone and I ask you to stop and tell me something good about that person. I expect you to be able to look for good along with the bad. Opinions must be a two-way street. Judging limits that street to one-way! Most will agree that there has to be a creator, a starter of all things. Isn’t that a good place to start? No one can teach love by hating. We all must do the best we can with what we have been given to work with. There is differences and sameness in all things, but there is also that starting point!

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