Friday, October 5, 2012

People Of All Faiths

All things must have purpose. So, why this blog? I’m not here to convert anyone. The purpose of this blog is to get people to start thinking, to ask questions, to expect answers, and to find a purpose for themselves. My reasoning for this is; I ask many questions of many persons, but receive few answers. Most of my questions are simple like; what did you learn these past few days, or what exciting thing happened to you this past week? Often the reply is “nothing”! Can anyone go seven days and learn nothing? Or, can a person live those seven days and find nothing exciting in their lives? Can anyone waste seven of those precious days that God has given them and come up with nothing? If my finger is pointing at you it’s time to start asking questions, isn’t it time for you to find a purpose in YOUR life! In the days of our fathers and mothers their worlds were much smaller. Most of their lives centered around an area not much more than a hundred miles in any direction, but today I can write a six hundred word essay, like this one, then post it on my blog and then suddenly it becomes viewable to BILLIONS throughout the world! Just think about that! Within less than a second those words can be seen and read on every continent in our world! We must remember that everyone doesn’t see that world the same way we do. I feel that it is important for us to learn how others see things and feel it’s important for them to learn about us. For many years people could hide things from each other, but suddenly with only the touch of a finger we see things happening in our world. And, many times just as they happen! Suddenly we find our religions are no longer our tribal leader, our religious leader in that building down the street. No longer is it just a local call to worship or people dressed in fancy robes while chanting hard to understand things. With but one click we suddenly see people of one faith killing people of another faith! Look, that’s real blood flowing down that street! If it happens close by, could that be my neighbor’s blood? Or, could it be mine! We have to start asking those questions. We have to learn more about the others beliefs, aren’t they our brothers and sisters too? Many are afraid to ask that simple one word question “why?” Are they afraid they will get an answer? But, isn’t it time to start asking? That’s the purpose of this blog! To wake you up! To help you to start asking that “why” question! We will quickly learn that today’s world is no longer that small world of our Grandparents. It enables us to learn and see how others live and think. Never in history have mortals had so much ability to receive answers, but you must ask a question if you expect to receive an answer! Religions without questions are nothing more than an unopened book! We all should be a part of, but we must know what we are a part of. We all should learn to ask that “why” question, but most important, we must learn to ask ourselves the same question! Your belief is unimportant to me. It’s the you inside that belief that’s important to me. If you have been told to hate me just because I don’t walk through the same door as you that makes me sad! Aren’t we all headed for the same exit door? I don’t understand why the different way we get there should make a difference. If you should need a hug, a hand on your shoulder, or a pat on the back, I’m not going to first ask your religion. That was the way some of our father’s old religions worked. Progress has shown us that way did not work! Please help me make each new day “a day of understanding.” Are we really that different? When we bleed isn’t all our blood the same color?

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