Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Right Thing

Who do you let determine the “right thing” for you? I’m sure your right thing is different than mine. After all, didn’t God create each of us differently? Sadly, most religions believe their right thing fits all. Conformity is the basic goal of most religions. It seems that their main goal is getting all their members to think the same way. Yet God, the same creator of all religions, created each of us differently. Does this mean that our God created us differently so we could be made the same? Think of how boring our world would be if everyone was the same and thought the same. But, isn’t that really what most of our religions are trying to do to us? Each of us was born with some kind of an inner belief. We were born to be inquisitive; we were born with a need to know, we just needed to have some kind of an answer for things. Sometimes we call that answer “faith.” It’s basically we believe in things we cannot see. I believe that my God is invisible, and will always be. That way each of us can picture our Creator the way we see Him or Her in our minds-eye. Some will tell you that they can see their God as an old man with long white hair and a beard living someplace up in the clouds to be called on only when needed. I see my God as one who is always walking beside me, always there, never waiting for my call. I never see Him in a long white robe, maybe even sometimes in jeans, but never in a five-hundred dollar suit. Yet that same God you picture at the same time you picture differently in your minds-eye is as real to you as mine is to me. Being invisible does have advantages. Just because we live in different countries and worship our God in different ways and even call Him by different names doesn’t make one of us right and the other wrong. It just makes us different. It just keeps us the way God chose to create us in the first place. Could we both be right and just heading for our same final goals in different ways? Many times we allow our “right thing” to be determined by others. That’s the easy way, if things go wrong we have someone else to blame! We know in our heart that “one size fits all” will not always work. Our differences are what our Creator gave us. Doesn’t that make our being different our God given right? Something that really bothers me is; religious leaders trying to govern my life by rules they say were made for me thousands of years ago. Rules that were handed down, then translated, then opinionated, and finally used by our teachers who give us their prospective of those rules and state that they are all “words of God!” When my God speaks to me today, are His words less important than those words spoken thousands of years ago? My “right thing” is different than yours. I plan on keeping it that way. And, I hope you want to keep yours different too.

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