Thursday, December 6, 2012


In our world of today, commercial interests have learned that most of us live by our assumptions. If a person looks the part we assume that person knows what he is talking about. You only have to look at TV commercials to realize the truth of that statement. Today we find all kind of those “look like props” trying to affect our lives. In the manner of dress, speech, tempting advertising, sex, even in our religions we are led to assume our lives would be better “if” we would only do those things we are told to do. We are led by the hand or eyes, to those assumptions that would cause us to live a better life. We are expected to live in our world in a way we let others bait that world for us. Our world is nothing more than a stage and we have front row center seats with most of the actors showing us ways to separate us from our money. Millions are spent each year on “if it looks like, it must be.” But, we must remember this, we often hear the saying; if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. But, many ducks ended up in the pot because of decoys and duck calls! Our assumptions must be controlled. They are nothing more than a form of judging others. A white jacket does not make a doctor or druggist. My old butcher always use to wear a white jacket! Crowns, robes, special clothing, or titles does not flag God to listen more carefully to one than the other. Many times I feel the sincerity of a prayer by you or me is as important to Him as one coming from a third party. I’ve also learned that prisons are not full of only bad people. Many good people are there because they made a mistake. Yes, even good people make mistakes. I’ve also noticed that our assumptions and our ego often walk hand in hand. Often it is as hard to admit that our assumption was wrong as it is to admit that we could be wrong. Is everyone else wrong if they don’t read out of the same holy book that we do? Many are told they are! Many assume that is the way God works. Just because we see something on our TV or are told something in our places of worship that shouldn’t always cause us to assume them to be right. Actually in our today’s world we can find as many wrong assumptions as right. Too many will tell you that they are oppressed by their sex, race, education, or color. Many of those old assumptions of our fathers have been disproven in today’s world. Education stomps on most of those old assumptions with both feet! It is impossible for anyone to walk into today’s world feeling inferior and win! As the world turns, the world always is changing. Only a bigot can remain static in this changing world and assume that he can hold it back.

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