Monday, December 31, 2012

It Can't Happen To Me

But, it has!!! I still see all the beauty in my world. I still see all my blessings, but when I look up I see a dark cloud hovering just over my head! Somehow, in my world of positives, I have let my door open just a crack and a bunch of negatives came rushing in! Suddenly I find myself a comforter that needs comforting! I could look over to my side and ask “why me God, why me”? But, why ask a question if you already know the answer? For several months, apparently I have been letting a few of those negatives that surround me slowly creep in. This past week something happened that kicked the chair, of stability, out from under me as I sat down. I will not try to comfort others until I get my own head back on straight. I know that I would just be exposing those already hurting to my hurts. For the next few weeks I will be posting blogs that have been written in advance. I’ll start publishing new blogs when I get myself under control. I now know how easy it must be for some to take a few pills or drinks to deaden the pain, but they are just band-aids that cover hurts for a short time. Many have found those “hurt deadeners” just adding more hurts. I now can understand why some take a hand-full of those pills to end those hurts forever! I’m sure that my God didn’t give me my hurts for me to look for an easy out. I’m sure they have been given to me as a learning tool for me to use for others, but truly, this is one of the most difficult tools that I have ever been handed! Today, I find my world the same, but entirely different! Suddenly little things, seldom thought about things, jump at me with new meaning! I’m finding this blessing from my God to be the most difficult for me to understand. But, with my understanding of those deep hurts in me, with a deeper understanding of those hurts in me, I’ll have the ability to feel those hurts and maybe have a better understanding of the causes. Maybe my hurts are there to show me ways to better help and comfort others. I know that God never hands me more than He already knows that I can handle! I’ll see you again early next year. But, right now I have a mountain to climb.

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