Saturday, December 8, 2012

God and Prayer

Many of the people that I have talked to have told me that they didn’t think God answered their prayers. I can relate to them because for quite a while I felt that way too. For many years, each time I would pray, I would tell God what I expected Him to do for me. And, if things didn’t work out my way I assumed my prayers were not being answered! Now days when I pray; I ask that HIS Will, will be done, and that I will be able to accept and understand that will without question. That’s it! I never try to run His show. And, surprisingly I find that I’m never disappointed. As I walk through my life, often I find myself walking by myself in special places. These places seem to direct my thinking towards “God Stuff!” I have found much comfort and understanding there. These places are usually unplanned by me, and I always wonder if my God has set them up for me. I never find myself praying in these places. I find myself asking many questions and receiving answers there. I feel that while I’m there I’m in tune with a best friend. As an example; years ago I was at the beach, it was one of those exceptional days, the sky was that deep blue with fluffy bright white clouds and every place I looked was nothing but beautiful beach. After walking a few barefoot steps in the soft sand I sat down to enjoy the breeze and listen to the surf. It was such a great place, so maybe I would even think some “God Stuff!” It was there that I started thinking about my prayers, or maybe my prayers that I felt God had not answered. When I sat down I got sand on both hands that I quickly brushed off. As I glanced at my hands I noticed that sand was all back on the beach except for a few grains on my index finger. It was then that I got the message! As I sat there looking at those few grains of sand on my finger. I suddenly realized those few grains of sand were me! Wasn’t I always telling God in my prayers how I expected Him to answer? That God the creator of all things, and I was trying to tell Him how to run things! Wasn’t I like those few grains on my finger telling that entire beach what to do? That day on the beach was a humbling, but learning, experience for me. Since that day, I have never had a prayer unanswered! This past week I had a person ask me if things didn’t work out the way I wanted, would I consider it God’s fault? I never fault my God. I would never judge His answer. I accept God’s will as God’s will without question. I accept my God as all knowing, one who can do no wrong. As I study my God’s will for me, I find that I am being told that it is more important for me to belong than to control. Where ever I am, I feel that is where I belong.

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