Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This blog is from a different Bob than the one most of you know. Part of it will contain answers I have received to question I have ask.
My pastor tells me that all the answers to all of my questions can be found in the Bible, but if they are all there I have a hard time translating those scriptural answers to many of my everyday life questions. Early in life I learned if you wanted a correct answer to a question, you don’t go to someone for their ideas you go to the source. That is just what I have learned to do.
Now is a good time to click that mouse and go someplace else if you think you don’t like the direction this site is taking you.
I believe My Father In Heaven is always at my side. I talk to him as I would to any other good friend. When I have a question I ask it. Being Bob many of my questions may sound strange to you, but at the time they were ask they were important to me. I never expect an immediate answer, although sometimes I receive one, I have learned God’s time is much different than my time, after all I’m not the only acorn on the oak tree. I’ve also learned that sometimes no answer IS the answer.
I have been instructed to write each answer and if I don’t write it word for word as it comes into my heart, then into my head, and finally to my writing hand I can think no other thoughts until it is written just as it was given to me. After each answer is completed I’ve been instructed to date the answer.
For many years I was guilty of snap judging others. As I aged I realized it was difficult to judge others without having first walked in their shoes. It was only then I realized that I had been judging me and I had walked in my shoes all of my life! It became time to stop those judgments of both myself and others. I still have opinions, but I try to leave judging to my Father In Heaven.
I have had many lessons in humility throughout my life. The harshest was the nine or ten years I helped at a prison ministry. In that time I have held sobbing young men in my arms after they had been gang raped the night before. I have hugged middle aged men and later learned that my hug has the first hug they had ever received. The stories I have been told would make a book in themselves.
That’s about it for this first session. I’ll try to come up with the next installment in a short time. Thank you for not clicking that mouse. I hope to see you again real soon.