Monday, August 30, 2010

My Friend Bonnie

Bonnie is a neighbor that lives across the street. Several mornings a week she walks over bringing her cup of coffee. Her visit always puts a smile on my face because she always brings her own coffee, her own brand and strength. Sandra’s cup is filled with her own brand and her extra strong coffee. My cup is always filled with my favorite cappuccino, with a kicker. My mix is two scoops of cappuccino with an added spoonful of instant coffee, a real waker-upper.
Bonnie is a widow lady that lived her life in a small community just outside of New Orleans, a true Cajun lady. She lived there until she was wiped out by one of the hurricanes. After the storms that’s when she, her daughter and her two grandkids moved across from us.
I treasure her morning visits and enjoy hearing her stories of her family and the people “back home”.
Today when she came to visit I could tell she was in pain but Bonnie was upbeat and did not complain about her hurts.
During this visit there was a short discussion about the hurting people throughout the world. Then as she was leaving she turned to me and made this statement: “I give thanks to God every few minutes on how blessed I am”.
Think about that-she gave thanks every few minutes for her blessings! How many of us, after suffering so many hardships, could find any blessings to thank God for?
Bonnie has that spark of faith that many seek but few ever find. She knows that He is always by her side. She knows He is always there to talk to.
Bonnie makes my world a better place to live in.

I ask My Friend: Is it necessary to use formal prayer language each time I pray?
My answer was: When you are troubled or feel you want to give thanks, speak to me as a friend. No buildings or special places are needed. I am always by your side, special words are unnecessary, use the same words you would use when speaking to another frie


  1. I love the end comments on this! I give thanks throughout the day, but especially during my first waking moments and before I fall to sleep each night - HE is who I talk to in those quite special times.... and He always listens :)

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