Monday, August 23, 2010

Light Switch Christians

When I was told to start this blog one of my instructions was “While others teach using the scriptures, yours is to speak softly and use a tender touch”.
That sounded easy at first glance but I found it was necessary to use quite a bit of God Stuff to introduce this Bob to you.
Some would call it faith, call it what you want, I knew my Heavenly Father was always by my side as early as age four or five as I skipped home from Sunday school singing “Jesus Loves Me, Yes I Know” at the top of my voice.
This part of my life has not changed. I still believe He is by my side awake and asleep. Yes-like each of us, I have taken Him places that later I was ashamed to have taken Him. Even then I still knew He was always there. I could never see Him, I could never reach out and touch Him, I guess that’s why they call it faith because I always knew He was there.
Because I knew He was always there, I never felt that I had to use special words to talk to my Friend. I never had to flip a switch and wait for Him to appear, then when I was through with Him, flip the off switch and He would be gone- kind of a out of sight out of touch switch.
Knowing of his all-time presence has had a major effect on my use of profanity in my speech. It’s kind of like, if I wouldn’t use those words in church why would I ever use them in front of Him?
Please don’t look upon me as a “Dudley Do Good”. I have desires and temptations like everyone else, I have messed up many many times and I’m sure I’ll mess up again but that changes nothing. I know He is still right there ALWAYS by my side.
If you feel I have gone a little heavy on the God Stuff please bear with me. I felt this blog was necessary to help you know this Bob.
I wanted you to meet my Unseen Friend, the One I never have to flip the switch to have Him appear and then flip the off switch so I can live my life as I choose.

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