Thursday, December 30, 2010


As many of you know, I had my 85th birthday last July. I could have looked at that number and said to myself “Well life is almost over”. But, I did not! I started looking at all of those things that had been, and were, making this year one of the best years of my life.
Today, as I started thinking and looking back over the past year and realizing just how great it had been. Then, I started looking forward to the coming year. I’m expecting it to be even greater!
It would be hard for me to count all of the new and exciting things I have learned over the past year. I look back and think about the many things I was about to start and my first thoughts were always “I could never accomplish something like that”. And, THEN I DID THEM!
This has been the year that I have had to force my positives to override my negatives. My health has forced me to develop new ways to do old things.
Of course, there have been disappointments and setbacks in the past year but I refuse to let these rocks in my road cause me to fall. I try not to let my life’s disappointments become my headlines. I’ll hide those disappointments in small print on one of my back pages.
I am so blessed to have My Friend always walking by my side. As soon as I start feeling blue, I’m handed new ideas and challenges that keeps my mind active. He never lets my brain have time to grow moss! I can’t remember a day, this past year, that my mind didn’t have challenging new thoughts or there were times when I had to figure out new ways of doing those old things. It has always amazed me how many new ideas and learning experiences find their way into my thought process each day.
I never bother with how many days I have left in life; I’ll let God take care of that. My worry is that I could miss that day’s learning experience. I know it will be there and I must be ready to receive it!
I want to thank all of you who have touched my heart this past year. Without all of you my 2010 calendar would have only been twelve blank pages with 365 blank squares. Each of you have helped make my life worth living! Thank you!!!
I expect 2011 to be the best year of my life and hope the same for you! May all of your days be positive and may no negatives ever darken your door.

Love-Just Bob

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