Thursday, December 23, 2010

God's Answers

Believe it or not, an ad for a shower radio was the inspiration for this blog.
We need quiet time and part of my quite time is when I shower. Until I saw that ad I had not stopped to realize how many answers to the questions that I had ask my Father in Heaven had been answered in that three by six shower stall and in my bathroom.
I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve had to rinse off, wrap a towel around and then walk out to the living room to write that answer down. Long ago I learned that answer had to be on paper before I could think other thoughts.
But, why there? Why in my bathroom of all places? Then I realized, that was one of the few places He could receive my FULL attention! I now wonder just how many answers I could have missed because of outside distractions. I’m sure that if the answer was important, He would not have let me miss it.
At first many of my answers surprised me. Each answer has been in my easy to understand English. Each answer was very clear, making it impossible for me to misunderstand its meaning. The answers were never scriptural and they never referred to the scriptures. One of my greatest surprises was most answers were under thirty words.
One time I ask God to give me a sign. That time my answer was quick and firm. The answer was “Never pray and ask for a sign. Signs are subject to interpretation. Pray and ask for an answer.”
Today’s world has many more distractions that tend to move us away from God. Our world moves much faster and with far more noise and commercialism. There is always someone trying to find a way to take away every waking moment of each of our lives. In the quieter Bible times it was easier for God to speak to that much smaller population. He had far less competition for each person’s time.
God competing for time? You ask. How many of today’s churches schedule their Sunday services around Sunday afternoon football? Do you think God will only talk to you during the half-time break?
Looking back on my life, I wonder how many of my former pastors ever ask questions of God or ever thought they might receive an answer? Next, if they did how many took the time to receive those answers? If His answers did not fit their opinions were they ever passed on to their congregations? How many really had the faith that He would actually speak to them?
You don’t have to put your shirt on backward or have a certificate nailed to your wall to have God talk to you. All you need is faith!
God will speak to each of us! All we have to do is find some quiet time so we can hear Him. Find a quiet place and teach ourselves to listen and lastly, yes, each of us is worthy!
As I learned God will always help us find a place. I can testify to you when you receive your answers from the source you always know that you have received the RIGHT answer! Oh yes: will I put a radio in my shower? No way!

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