Monday, December 20, 2010

Bob's Christmas 2010

Bob’s Christmas 2010

Sunday I made a shocking discovery. As I sat listening to our band and choir giving their Christmas presentation I found myself singing along with the children’s presentation, and I KNEW ALL THE WORDS. Somehow their singing unlocked that six or seven year old that had been entrapped in this body for almost eighty years!
I felt a feeling long forgotten. I closed my eyes and remembered skipping home from Sunday school singing those same songs at the top of my voice. For a few moments I was that little kid again and it FELT GOOD! When I looked toward the stage I saw myself as the little boy who cried because he didn’t want to stand in front of all those people. Or, the little girl that stood dancing and showing off in front of the crowd. Yes, I had been both!
Later I found myself speechless (a moment seldom found in the life of Bob) when a member of the congregation thanked me for my gift. “Your gift?” I questioned. She said it was my hug wrapped in the love from my heart!
I noticed the hugs being returned that day were much warmer, more from the heart. I also noticed many more warm hands being placed on my shoulders by my “non-hugger” friends. Never once was I wished a “Happy Holidays”.
I may have not mentioned this before but for the past few years I found myself having a lot of pain in my hands. Last year I started losing the feelings in my fingers! This caused me to panic because touching meant so much to me. Early last spring I had surgery on my right wrist. I thank God for its success. I still have the pain in my hand but I have all the feeling back in my fingers.
Christmas is not only a time for love and joy, it seems also to be the time for the deepest hurts. It looks as though it is the time when many Scrooges come out from under their rocks. We must be extra cautious that our unthinking word doesn’t add to the hurt already caused by a friend or loved one.
The Holidays are the time of the year that I like to use my favorite mealtime prayer “my Father in Heaven-We thank you for our many blessings- We ask that you bless this food and ask that it will strengthen and nourish but not fatten us-A men”.
When you write your gift want list try to put one item on your list that you can share with others.
May your Christmas be warm and loving. May the coming year be your best ever. I personally plan to wake each morning of the coming year and take as big of a bite out of that day’s life as I can.
We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy loving New Year.
From; that happy singing skipping six year old and
That eighty-five year old Just Bob who wishes he
could still skip.

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