Friday, April 1, 2011

Count Your Blessings

If I fall face down in the mud, please tell me, just where is my blessing? I can’t just lay there; I must roll over and open my eyes! I’m still breathing aren’t I? I’m alive and still breathing. Isn’t that a blessing? Think of all of that mud on the back of my head, isn’t that all in the past? When I opened my eyes I saw all of that bright stuff in front of me. That is my future! All I have to do is stand up and walk into it!
What made me fall? I know what it was! I’m sure I’ll never let that happen again; I’ll remember how it happened and never ever let it happen again! Learning experiences like that seldom come easy, but that’s how we learn.
Please don’t let anyone try to tell you that life is easy. When we started school we found the hard parts of our life was ABC’s or 1234’s. As we grew older we found we had to trade those letter and numbers for unexpected rocks that we found in our road of life.
Each letter, number, or rock was nothing more than a learning experience. Actually we were receiving God’s blessings as we learned to overcome each difficulty. I guess you could say that there is a direct relationship between our learning and the blessing that we receive.
There is also a relationship between our positive or negative outlook on our lives. You will find it easy (with negative thinking) to let a negative attitude blind a person from seeing many of the blessings normally received each day.
It is easy to giveaway things we don’t have (ask anyone who plays the lottery). But, sometimes if all we have to give is just a few moments of our time, that time can be a real blessing to a person in need. There are times that just a hug, a squeeze, a hand on the shoulder, or a listening ear can be that persons blessing.
Those blessings come in all sizes. They can last a lifetime or they can last but a minute or two. They can seem trivial to the giver and mean much to the receiver. Those blessings are God’s gifts to each of us.
Our blessings can range from a pleasant smile from someone we love to something earth shattering that changes our lives forever. Blessings also depend on how the receiver accepts them. To a rich man a few pennies found would mean little. But. To a poor man they could be his next meal!
I have found the more times I thank My Father in Heaven for those blessings the more conscious I become of my blessings. It seems to open my eyes to seeing more of those blessings.
The way each person interprets those blessings can be quite different. What you see as a beautiful flower may look like just another weed to someone else! Our God has seen fit to give each of us our own personality. Each has developed their own way of seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting, and smelling. That does not mean your way is wrong or my way is right. It just means that God gave you your way and He gave me my way.
Blessings are God’s way of putting learning and joy into each of our lives. The more we become conscious of those blessings, the more we learn how to look for and find and appreciate those blessings. The more love and joy we will find that God has put in our lives. If you ever feel that God has put more blessing in the life of others than you. It’s not that God loves them more, It’s just that they have learned where to look!

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